Page 55 - SB_G4.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 55
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Wheelchair myNotes
Hang Glider to
WRITE Wheeler-Dealer
by Simon Shapiro
art by Theo Krynauw and Warwick Goldswain
Now write your encyclopedia entry about Marilyn Hamilton’s life and her
Make sure your encyclopedia entry 5re_se_m1_wheelch.indd 47 InDesign Notes 2/22/2018 12:10:11 AM
1. This is a list
InCopy Notes
1. DA/COMP: GLOBAL for this file: Please address notes requesting folio changes. Page range for this selection
should be 47–52. LW/HMH
2. Global: When will low-res photos be replaced with high-res?
3. Change page number to 47
introduces the topic with a topic sentence.
includes headings and other formatting.
includes facts and details about Hamilton’s life and her invention.
uses informative words about Hamilton’s invention.
provides a concluding statement.