Page 82 - SB_G4.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 82

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           Big Idea

                                       Words About Stories

                                       The words in the chart will help you talk and write about the selections in this module.
                                       Which words about stories have you seen before? Which words are new to you?

                                       Add to the Vocabulary Network on page 83 by writing synonyms, antonyms, and
                                       related words and phrases for each word about stories.

                                       After you read each selection in this module, come back to the Vocabulary Network

                                       and keep building it. Add more boxes if you need to.

                                             WORD                  MEANING                   CONTEXT SENTENCE

                                         climax           The climax of a story is       At the exciting climax of the
                                         (noun)           its most important event       story, the hero ran into a
                                                          and usually happens near       burning building.
                                                          the end.

                                         dialogue         The dialogue is the            The way this character speaks
                                         (noun)           conversation among             in his dialogue helps me
                                                          characters in a story.         understand more about him.

                                         foreword         The introduction to a book is   You should read the book’s
                                         (noun)           called its foreword.           foreword before you read the
                                                                                         rest of the story.

                                         prose            Unlike poetry, prose is        Most stories are written as
                                         (noun)           “ordinary writing,” in the form   prose, but some are written
                                                          of sentences and paragraphs.   as poems.

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