Page 343 - BenchMark_5-3
P. 343


      Fill in the blanks.

               People did not use to think about                                                               how animals affected                                          one

          another in their ecosystems. They later realized that the sea otter

            is a keystone species                                   . It eats sea urchins. But fewer sea otters

          mean more sea urchins. They then eat more kelp, so fish that

           normally hide in kelp                                      become visible to their enemies. In the past,

          people hunted sea otters, and oil spills also killed them. But people

          passed laws to protect them. As a result, the number of sea otters                                                                                                           .

          is increasing.

                          normally hide in kelp                                                                is a keystone species

                          the number of sea otters                                                             how animals affected

                                                                                                   Unit 10 | Doomed to Disappear? Endangered Species
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