Page 410 - BenchMark_5-3
P. 410
Problem and solution is a pattern of
Reading Skill: Problem & Solution
organization where information in a
passage is expressed as a concerning
issue (a problem) and something that is
done to remedy this issue (a solution).
Complete the table by numbering the sentences in the correct order.
The Peregrine Falcon
Problem Solution
The disappearance of peregrine falcons A program to save peregrine falcons
Events Events
3 Falcons ate the small birds, and 2 Adult falcons took care of baby
DDT built up. falcons.
1 DDT was used to kill insects. 3 Young falcons learned how to hunt.
4 The falcon eggs never hatched. 1 Scientists took falcon eggs to
2 Small birds ate insects that were laboratories to hatch them.
poisoned by DDT. 4 The number of falcons in the wild
began increasing.
Unit 12 | The Recovery of the Peregrine Falcon