Page 98 - BenchMark_5-3
P. 98
Author’s purpose involves understanding
Reading Skill: Author’s Purpose the reason that the author includes
certain information in the passage. The
author often provides facts or details
Complete the table with the correct phrases. that show why certain information is
included in the passage.
Text evidence Author’s purpose
1. Prometheus steals fire from To explain why Zeus gets angry .
Mount Olympus and gives it to and decides to punish the
the people. people
2. Pandora turns the key in the
lock. In a burst of green smoke, To show how bad things come .
every kind of ugly, horrible to the earth
thing flies out of the box.
3. As time passes, the people
become very depressed. The To explain that the people need .
people ask Zeus for help. .
how bad things come why Zeus gets angry the people need Hope
Unit 3 | Pandora