Page 48 - PowerE-L02-A
P. 48

Lesson 12



                                               Most people say that I’m a shy person.

                                               I’m too optimistic.

                                               You’re a friendly person.

                                               He’s too conservative.


                 * I’m too optimistic. 저는 낙천적이에요.
                        ► I’m such an optimist.
                        ► I’m very easygoing. / I’m too positive.

                 * You’re a friendly person. 당신은 정말 다정한 사람이에요.
                        ► You’re a warm-hearted person.

                 * He’s too conservative. 그는 너무 보수적이에요.
                        ► He’s such a conservative person.
                        ► He’s too traditional. / He’s too old-fashioned.


                 1. What’s your personality like?
                 2. What are your strengths?
                 3. What are your weaknesses?

                 4. What kind of personality do you want to have?
                 5. Which one do you like better, a conservative person
                   or a hot-tempered person? Why do you think so?

                     Sample Answer                                              Vocabulary & Expressions

                 1. I think I have a vibrant personality.                      optimistic : 낙천적인
                 2. I’m a fast learner and have a great                        strength : 장점
                                                                               weakness : 약점
                    organizational skill.                                      hot-tempered : 다혈질의
                 3. I’m an introvert and very sensitive.                       vibrant: 활기에 넘치는, 활발한
                                                                               introvert : 내성적인
                 4. I want to be a sociable person.
                 5. I prefer a conservative person because it might
                   be harder to talk with a hot-tempered person.

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