Page 8 - May 2021
P. 8
Master’s Message
In April we had a Saturday meeting where we initiated Brothers Wills and Almenas. We also presented Brother Past Master Charles Simpson his 50 year service award. Over the past few weekends Brothers; Mike Robbins, Robert Phillips, Doug Miller, Dave Rob- bins, Bill Otovic, Ryan Barron, Rob Hummel, Scott Wimmer, Myself and Edith Knight the Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star cleaned the kitchen and trimmed, weeded and mulched the gardens around the Lodge. We came up short on the mulch, but spreading it thin for now, it looks good. We are looking at getting more bulk delivered and will be spreading that. Thank you everyone for the work done to help with these endeavors.
May is gearing up to be a busy month, the first meeting we will be voting on a 3rd Degree catechism from Brothers Kanaan Thomas and David Lee and GL Officers. The 2nd meeting we will vote on the 2nd Degree catechism from Broth- ers Brian Griffith and Dylan Oelke.