Page 36 - Race
P. 36

(c)   Spinnaker monohull    (like a 420 or 470)
          (d)   Skiff Asymmetric (like a 29er or 49er)
          (e)   Sailboard (like Tecno or RSX)
          (f)   Catamaran (like Spitfire or Nacra 17)
          (g)   Keelboat (like IRC)

          In all cases attempt to use a boat that is closest in PY or rating as that will give you the best overall
          result.  Select the spreadsheet with the most appropriate Class from those published.  Now assuming
          that the course configuration is the same as that required (see next section if not), the individual
          speeds (Upwind, downwind and reach) need to be adjusted for the PY of the boat in use.  Initially
          copy the "published" boat speeds for each wind range into new cells of the "Speeds" tab.  Enter the
          "New"  and  "Published"  boat  PY's  as  two  new  cells  along  with  a  label  showing  the  boat  class
          alongside.  Then, using the following formula, adjust the boat speeds for each wind range in the
          existing "published speed" cells:

                     New Speed = Published Speed x (PY of New boat)/(PY of published boat).

          Different course configurations
          Should the course configuration at an event be different to those used in the published data, existing
          sheets can be copied and then amended to calculate course sizes.  Using combinations of the
          Upwind,  downwind  and  reaching  speeds,  a  new  course  configuration  may  relatively  easily  be
          accommodated and times around the course generated.  Although this does require an element of
          spreadsheet  knowledge,  the  method  has  the  capability  to  cope  with  many  different  course
          configurations, to suit the needs of the event that you are running.  A sample spreadsheet "PY
          Adjusted Trial" has been created to demonstrate the principles and this will be located with the other
          Speed Charts in the Data Reference Section of the Resource Area (see the link at the beginning of
          this document)

          Smoothing the data
          The basic data for a specific target time can also be used to produce a graph of Course size vs wind
          speed.  Using the smoothing function of most spreadsheet packages a smooth graph may be plotted
          enabling an easier view of the course size for a specific wind. An example of such a graph is included
          in the sample spreadsheet, although this does not include all of the calculations required.

          Times to Marks
          The data available as upwind downwind and reaching speeds can also be used to calculate the time
          it will take a boat to arrive at a specific mark.  The calculations required for this, are very specific to
          both the course configuration and the target time used and the specific boat speed at different wind
          strengths.  An approximation has been used to good effect by using the boat speeds in the range of
          8 to 12 knots and 15+ knots as two alternative scenarios.  The upwind and downwind speed ratios
          are quite different at these two wind speeds leading to a good approximation of when a boat might
          arrive at a specific mark under most wind conditions.  Once the time has been calculated a recording
          sheet may be generated which has the target time and allows for data to be recorded relative to the
          wind  speed  and  course  size  set.  An  example  recording  sheet  is  included  in  the  sample  chart
          spreadsheet  "PY  Adjusted  Trial"  mentioned  above,  although  this  does  not  include  all  of  the
          calculations required.

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