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          World Sailing revises and publishes every four years the Racing Rules of Sailing under which racing
          will be conducted.  World Sailing owns the copyright of the RRS.

          The MNA for the United Kingdom (abbreviated to GBR by World Sailing) is the Royal Yachting

          Clubs, classes and other organisations are deemed to be ‘affiliated’ when affiliated to the MNA of
          the venue at which the event is taking part. So, at an event in the UK, the organisation concerned is
          only ‘affiliated’ when it is affiliated to the RYA. However, an organisation may also be ‘affiliated’ when
          it is affiliated to the MNA of just one port of call when boats pass through the waters of more than
          one MNA whilst racing.

          5.1   Authority to Run Racing

          Racing may only be conducted under the RRS if there is an organising authority and this can only

          World Sailing
          It also appoints the Race Officials for some of the major events listed in its own regulations. These
          events include the Olympic Games, Olympic Classes' World Championships and the Sailing World

          A Member National Authority (MNA)
          Authority through the RRS is given to member national authorities (MNA) of World Sailing. It may
          coordinate the dates and venues of national regattas, and may approve key regatta personnel such
          as the Regatta Chairman, the (Principal) Race Officer(s), and the Protest Committee Chairman.

          A Club Affiliated to an MNA
          All clubs in the UK that organise racing should be affiliated to the RYA and as such can then act as
          an Organising Authority.

          A Class Association
          A Class Association, whether affiliated to the RYA or not, may be an organising authority in the UK.
          When  unaffiliated  the  class  association  must  either  have  the  approval  of  the  MNA  or  be  in
          conjunction with an affiliated club. Any Class Association will want to ensure that their class rules,
          both in terms of measurement and their established practice for regatta organisation, are observed.

          Another Organisation Affiliated to an MNA
          An organisation other than a club, such as a private company, that is affiliated to the RYA may act
          as an Organising Authority.

          An Unaffiliated Body
          An unaffiliated body may only be recognised as an Organising Authority when it acts in conjunction
          with an affiliated club and where that body is owned and controlled by the club. The MNA may
          prescribe that its approval is required (the RYA does not). Furthermore, if approved by World Sailing
          and  the  MNA  of  the club,  an  unaffiliated  body may  be  granted  licence  to  act  as  an Organising
          Authority where that body is not owned and controlled by the club.

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