Page 4 - E-LKM ACID BASE_Neat
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The term acid comes from the Latin acidus, which means “sour.”
The sour taste of vinegar and citrus fruits is due to the presence of
acids. Acids are essential in the chemical industry. For example,
more than 40 million tons of sulfuric acid is produced annually in the
United States, making this the number-one manufactured chemical.
Sulfuric acid is used to make fertilizers, detergents, paint dyes,
plastics, pharmaceuticals, and storage batteries, as well as to
produce iron and steel. It is so important in the manufacturing of
goods that its production is considered a standard measure of a
nation’s industrial strength. Figure 1 shows only a few of the acids we
commonly encounter. (Suchocki, 2014)
Figure 1. Examples of acids. (a) Citrus fruits contain many types of acids,
including ascorbic acid, C H O , which is vitamin C. (b) Vinegar contains
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acetic acid, C H O , and can be used to preserve foods. (c) All
carbonated beverages contain carbonic acid, H CO , while many also
contain phosphoric acid, H PO .
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Bahasa Inggris Kimia (PKIM3139) 1