Page 11 - Welcome Guide-Joel Massae_060921
P. 11

Feedback Guidelines

                          Focus on your Ideal Client                     Be as specific as possible              Ask questions & trust the process

                    This project is of course very close to your   Vague or contradicting feedback can create   My design process is very intentional and I
                    heart but it's important to remember that    confusion and set us back, therefore try to be   always ensure that each element is built with
                    we're designing for your target audience and   as specific as possible in your feedback. Focus   purpose. So while I will do my best to walk you
                    Ideal Client. Therefore, try to put your personal   on  one  element  at  a  time  and  try  to  explain   through my thought process, don't hesitate to
                    preferences aside and keep your Ideal Client   why  you  like/dislike  something  and  provide   ask questions if you're unsure of something.
                    in mind when you look at the designs. Ask    suggestions if you can. For example, instead   This helps ensure that our thoughts and ideas
                    yourself: how would that make my Ideal Client   of "I don't like this color", try "I don't think   are aligned throughout the project and gives
                    feel? Would they connect to this design? Does   this will appeal to my audience because [...].   me a chance to slow down where needed to
                    it align with them?                          Perhaps we could try X?"                      provide more clarity.

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