Page 26 - TalesoftheParadiseRidge-Fall2020_Neat
P. 26

JAHA has an ongoing fundraising, grant writing, and
        endowment program. We plan to use some of their strate-
        gies to seek funding for the Gold Nugget Museum and its

        Museums cannot function without a dedicated team of
        docents. Recruiting and training docents must be an inte-
        gral part of the museum’s program.

        Publicity is one of the keys to assuring a museum’s suc-
        cess. Maintaining public awareness of the museums and
        their programs is critical. The Johnstown museums are
        facing the reality that many members of the younger
        generations have no firsthand knowledge of the disasters.
        Maintaining that knowledge of the past is a vital part of
        determining plans for the future. Our respective disasters
        will continue to influence who we are.

        Education is equally as important as publicity. It plays a
        vital role in our museum. Our local history is what helps
        bind us as a community, as does the shared experience of
        the disaster that befell us. Working closely with our local
        schools will continue to be a high priority of the Gold
        Nugget Museum.

        As a result of the visit to JAHA, we are developing a
        working relationship between JAHA and the Gold Nug-
        get Museum, sharing ideas and support.

                                                              Rod Hass is a second generation Californian, born and raised
                                                              in the Central Valley. He is an alumnus of Chico State, but he
                                                              also went to colleges and universities in New Jersey, Chi-
                                                              cago, and Munich, Germany. Rod graduated with a degree in
                                                              German and taught German for most of his education career.
                                                              He was also the school librarian for several years at Paradise
                                                              Intermediate School. During his German teaching career,
                                                              Rod annually took groups of students for a one-month stay in
                                                              Germany to attend Paradise’s partner school. Rod’s last profes-
                                                              sional work was teaching English in Poland and Estonia to
                                                              military personnel from several NATO countries.

                                                              Rod is a US Navy veteran, eventually retiring from the Navy
                                                              Reserve. He and his wife, Karen, married for 48 years, were
                                                              both involved with setting up and opening the Gold Nugget
                                                              Museum. Karen was one of the first docents.
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