Page 34 - TalesoftheParadiseRidge-Fall2020_Neat
P. 34

Police Blotter - Students Plan

                                        School Massacre

                     By Bill Hartley, Retired Paradise Police Officer

        In early 1999, Paradise Police received a report that two   detailed how they would steal the guns from the home
        students, age 13, at the Paradise Intermediate School were   one of their grandparents. They would hide the guns on
        heard talking about shooting other students at school.   the school grounds before school started. During school
        A student overheard the conversation and reported it to   hours, they would get the guns. One of them would lie
        school authorities, who in turn reported it to police.  out in the school field with a gun, and the other would
                                                              pull the fire alarm and climb up on the roof with a gun.
        I received the report and located the two students. I ques-  They planned to shoot the other students who walked out
        tioned them, and they admitted to talking about shooting   onto the school field as they are taught to do during fire
        other students but said it was just a joke.  (Note: this was   drills/alarms.
        planned about a month or so after the April 1999 shooting
        at the Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.)  Both boys were arrested and later served time in juvenile
        I discovered the students had drawn up plans. They had
        a list of students they would target to shoot. The plans

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