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StAy SAfe and StAy CoNNeCted with PM360
PM36O The Essential Resource for Pharma Marketers
This is the most important time to talk with your clients—and PM360 can help!
The spread of COviD-19 has and is continuing to cause great disruption across the world. At this time, it is crucial for our industry to be able to connect with its customers, but many of the standard methods of communications are being closed off.
PM360 is here to help your company continue to get its message out while conferences and meetings are being postponed and canceled.
Contact Anna Stashower and Jon brulloths to start discussing what we can do for you.
(contact information in masthead to the right)
Volume 10 / Issue 9
September 2020
ANNA STASHOWER CEO/Publisher/Editor-in-Chief 646-300-81 1 0
DAWN SEbTi / Creative Director
JON bRullOTHS / Associate Publisher & General Manager
MiTCHEll STASHOWER, MD / Executive Director, Corporate Strategy
ANDREW MATTHiuS / Senior Editor
KAylA WAlSH / Editorial/Circulation/Awards Coordinator
DAviD KRAlJiC / Web Director
bRiAN STACy / iT Consultant
CONTRibuTiNG EDiTORS Nicole Dorsey, Colleen Smith
laura bartmess, Tommy bramley, Sarah Caldwell, Deborah Collyar, Stephen Fanuele, Kristine Flemister, Andrea Geppert, Sandra Graham- Mason, Cathryn E. Gunther, Carlos Gutierrez, Rob Heller, Rhonda Henry, yael Jones, Serge loncar, Nate lucht, laurie Myers, Catina O’leary, David Ormesher, Michelle Petroff, Andrew Pleasant, Ross Quinn, betty Rhiew, Jess Seilheimer, barry Silverstein, Adrienne Stevens, Philip Storer, vincent valant, lili Gil valetta, lisa valtierra, lisa varshney, Samant virk
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