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HP QuickTest Professional 11.00 Product Availability Matrix  Date: 1 October 2010

                                      QuickTest Professional .NET Add-in
            Layer                  Product / Standard                Version             Support Information
                                                                     1                        No
                                                                     1.1                      No
                                                                     2                        Yes
            Microsoft .NET Framework  Microsoft .NET Framework
                                                                     3                        Yes
                                                                     3.5 SP1                  Yes
                                                                     4                        Yes
            Windows Presentation Forms                                                      WPF Addin
                                                                     1.1 (SP1+)               Yes
                                                                     2                        Yes
            Extensibility API                                        3                        Yes
                                                                     3.5                      Yes
                                                                     4                        Yes
                                   Windows Forms                     All                      Yes
            Microsoft .Net Controls
                                   Web Forms                         All                      Yes
                                                                     1.2x                     Yes
                                   ComponentOne TrueDB for .Net      1.3x                     Yes
                                                                     2                        Yes
                                                                     1.1x                     Yes
                                   ComponentOne FlexGrid for .Net    2                        Yes
            Third Party .Net Controls                                2.5                      Yes
                                                                     1.5                      Yes
                                   DevExpress XtraGrid
                                                                     2                        Yes
                                   Farpoint                          Any                      Yes
                                                                     2.0x                     Yes
                                   Infragistics UltraWinGrid
                                                                     3.2.X                    Yes
                                                                     1                        Yes
                                   Infragistics UltraWebGrid         2                        Yes
            Third Party .Net Web Controls
                                                                     3.1                      Yes
                                   DevExpress ASPxGrid                       Yes
                                                                     2003                     Yes
            QuickTest .Net Add-in Extensibility  Visual Studio       2005                     Yes
                                                                     2008                     Yes

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             Requires QuickTest patch
             Requires QuickTest patch
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            © Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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