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First Aid, CPR, and AED Feeding Assistant Certified Nurse Aide Direct Support Professional NFHS: Heat Illness Prevention NFHS: Concussions in Sports Anatomy Medical Terminology
Industry Certifications OSHA 10 SC Cosmetology License 2021‐2022 Accomplishments BMW Rising Scholars Apprenticeship Program: BHS juniors Jeb Gallman & Adam Greer (Mechatronics) and SHS Juniors Nathan Scruggs (Machine Tool) & Juan Zepeda Co‐Op Student of the Year and CTE Upstate Regional Work‐Based Student of the Year Non‐Traditional Student of the Year: Claire Braley‐Electricity Teacher of the Year: Sharon Mack, Marketing Instructor 6 students earned ServS
ServSafe Automotive Service Excellence for 2022: Owen Allen‐Automotive Business Partner of the Year: Oilmens Director’s “All In” Award: Cendy Cruz Lopez Support Staff of the Year: Daphine Spivey 2 nd Place SkillsUSA‐Graphic Communications 2 nd Place ProStart Competition‐Culinary Arts students 86% pass rate State Board Exams‐Cosmetology 105 Students of the Month recognized $3,300 awarded in coll
Carpentry Programs
Microburst EmployABILITY Soft Skills (Automotive) students
Non‐Discrimination ProStart Come for the skills, stay for the challenge Non‐Discrimination Spartanburg School District Three does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person(s) has been designated
PLACEMENT (2021 GRADUATES) 165 STUDENTS Post‐ Secondary 59% to handle inquiries regarding the non‐discrimination policies: Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Personnel Services * 3535 Clifton Glendale Road*Glendale, SC 29346* (864)279‐6000*
Unemployed or status unknown 8% Military 1%
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