Page 2 - St Maur marketing and social media thoughts.
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St Maur - Social media strategy and marketing 2023-24
With the St Maur brand growing and with the need to further build and develop a cohesive brand image to your online audience I have prepared below what is essentially a play book that can be followed by all the team.
This plan is based my past experience in this field and from the general accepted knowledge provided by Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and the readily available guidance provided by all three as to the best and most effective way to get noticed and grow your brand.
One thing to keep in mind will all the following guide is that there are no magic solutions. While there are numerous snake oil salesmen on line offering to grow your audience quickly (some claiming to provide this service overnight) they are sadly simply employing massed legions of fake bott followers which are easy to spot. Furthermore while having a large following on Instagram is good for the ego it is little more than that as it actually has no monetary value.
Ultimately the reason to devote time and resource to building a brand with an online following is to increase sales and make money and while this make sound a rather simplistic and vulgar generalisation it is why we go into business and Social media is simply a tool in the arsenal we use to make sales and grow.
With that in mind what follows is a look at what you are currently doing and what in my opinion you/we could and should be doing so as to increase your following and ultimately sales.
Please note that I have through out this report/proposal/play book referred to my own Instagram account which I have built over the last three years as I have probably made most of the mistakes detailed below but have more importantly learnt from them so as to be able to help you avoid making the same.
I have also asked questions and left space for you to write your own answers as this guide is a working document that should change and evolve over time. Moreover by writing down your thoughts and ideas as we work through it will help to clarify exactly what your looking to achieve and how this marketing plan can build to be a reference document and record for the brand in addition to being a guide as to what we/you should be doing.
Obviously through out this guide I will refer to “content” by which I’m referring to the images and stories your posting to your social media platforms. Please assume one simple truth........the imagery has to be amazing!
With that in mind lets get started!
Written by Jeremy Pascoe @ Walking Gun Photography