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For more than 40 years, no other organization’s approach to using analytics has o ered the same level of assurance as SAS.
Change confusion to clarity
We understand that not all problems are the same size, but that all problems can make a signi cant – and immediate – impact on business, and even lives. SAS helps you navigate change by unlocking the full potential of your data.
Our software turns your data into value–analyzing streamingdataand generating split-second decisions that happen at a speed and volume impossible for humans.
With a uni ed data management and analytics environment, we empower customers to solve today’s challenges and uncover tomorrow’s opportunities. With faster insights comes the ability to gain clarity into what is possible, and uncover opportunities you may not have seen before.
SAS has a unique ability to enable the entire analytics life cycle on a platform that drives open, scalable, governed, and repeatable data and analytics. You bring the most di cult data and the most complex business challenges. We bring an analytics platform that delivers business value and changes confusion to clarity – making SAS your best business partner.
Data holds the key for your organization to solve any of these problems,
or create new competitive opportunities. But you must enable access to all available and relevant data. Unlike other data management vendors, SAS delivers cleansed, governed, real-time data from all your sources.
This enables your analytics to perform across the entire organization.
Learn how the Orlando Magic enables their data to address customer retention.
Analysis is what enriches your data and gives context. You want an unconstrained analytics tool box with a deep and wide set of proven and innovative analytics capabilities for a wide variety of users. SAS provides the widest set of analytical capabilities - from statistics to machine learning; from cognitive programming in SAS to open source languages for analytics. And we do so with end-to-end support for the entire analytics life cycle.
Learn how Royal Bank of Scotland and customer engagement services company 89 degrees transform their business processes by discovering the context of their data.
Data and insight is worth very little if your organization can’t operationalize it. You must empower your organization to act on the insights quickly, and with con dence. SAS empowers you to integrate analytical results and insights back into your organization with speed and at scale – from the simple to the most complex operating environments.
Learn how analytics empowers 1-800-FLOWERS.COM to make better customer-focused decisions.
Enable with data
Enlighten through discovery
Empower through decisions

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