Page 11 - 2016 Company Overview
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SAS customers are changing the world with their use of analytics. From keeping trains on the rails and outsmarting fraudsters to preventing medical errors and helping students succeed, our customers make a real di erence.
Change the world
Crescent Care
CrescentCare relies on SAS Visual Analytics to improve community outreach and patient outcomes. Through better data analysis, the provider improved patient HIV suppression rates from 69 percent to 81 percent.
“When we talk about managing and analyzing data, we’re talking about human lives – promoting healthy habits, taking preventa- tive measures, and caring for the sick and disadvantaged. They’re not just data points – they’re people.”
Seema Gai,
CIO CrescentCare
VR Group
Finnish railway VR Group uses SAS Analytics to provide on-time service and improve customer satisfaction.
By looking at new and historical data, SAS helps plan the maximum interval between maintenance events to keep trains on the rails longer – reducing the amount of maintenance by one third. SAS Analytics also helps identify the cause of failures, increasing savings and improving reliability.
“VR Group’s vision is to become the leading travel company in Finland. In my opinion, we could not make this happen without predictive analytics.”
Kimmo Soini Senior Vice President for Maintenance, VR Group
Des Moines Area Community College
uses SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Data Management to help students prosper. Administrators and educators can easily and securely access data and reports,which frees sta  to mine data in more detail and proactively help students succeed.
“We have a ton of data that gets captured on students, their progress, when they come in and when they go out. SAS provides an overall snapshot of the health of our institution, and insight into how our programs, processes and systems impact students.”
Joe DeHart Executive Director of Institutional E ectiveness, Des Moines Area Community College
Des Moines Area Community College

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