Page 12 - 2016 Company Overview
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Change the world
SBM – an insurance information and monitoring center in Turkey – improved fraud-detection  vefold with SAS Fraud Framework for Insurance, enabling insurers to save millions of dollars. SBM annually examines 2.5 million claims for potential fraud, looking for fraud cases that a single insurance company wouldn’t normally be able to detect on its own.
“Our focus on analytics over business rules has led to the discovery of 259 million TL [US $86 million] in potential fraud cases within the rstninemonthsof using the solution.”
Aydin Satici
General Manager, SBM
Belgium’s largest energy distribution operator, Eandis, relies on SAS Visual Analytics for a self-service BI environment to better analyze energy consumption, develop a smart grid and encourage energy conservation among consumers.
World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) uses SAS Data Management and SAS Analytics
to help maximize donations that build a future where people live in harmony with nature. Through advanced SAS modeling, WWF improved revenue for multiple campaigns by 25 percent, and in one year increased their net income while mailing 500,000 fewer pieces of mail.
“We can raise the same amount of money with much less expense. That means WWF and its members are more e ciently helping to
“With SAS Visual Analytics, our
analyst was able to complete
analysis within minutes versus
three to six months. It was
truly amazing. We discovered
that many people are unaware
of how much energy they
consume. By introducing smartmetersandcreatinga protecttheplanet.” ‘smart consumers’ program,
we can promote energy awareness and encourage conservation e orts.”
Olivier Goethals
Enterprise Architect and Manager of the BI Competency Center, Eandis
Mac Mirabile
Director of Strategic and Financial Analysis, World Wildlife Fund

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