Page 13 - 2016 Company Overview
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Women’s apparel retailer Chico’s relies on SAS Customer Intelligence to  ne- tune marketing interactions and connect customers to the merchandise they want. A 360-degree view of customer behavior improves marketing e ectiveness, while rapid data consolidation and reporting accelerate business decisions.
“Customers use our website
to view products, but they often still come into our stores to make their purchases.
We needed to link informa- tion about customers in all channelstounderstand what they’re interested in. By improving data integration and analysis, we are enhancing our relationships with shoppers. We can
now provide deals for the products each customer likes and shops for.”
Paul Grasso
Manager of Marketing Analytics, Chico’s
San Bernardino County
San Bernardino County uses SAS Data Management and SAS advanced analytics to analyze consumer engagement with the behavioral health system to identify barriers to care, revealing a less stigmatizing picture than many people in the  eld have thought.
“SAS has given us more credibility because now the data we’re sharing is easily digestible, valuable and relatable. The opportunity to use data in decision making for public mental health is endless,andanalyticsget you there.”
Sarah Eberhardt-Rios
Deputy Director for Program Support Services, California’s San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health
Nets Group
Nordic payments processor Nets Group improved its fraud detection rates- detection rate by 50 percent, reduced card fraud by 50 percent to 70 percent and cut false positives in half with SAS Fraud Management.
“Using SAS Fraud Management, we’re not only detecting and preventing more fraud, but we’re inconveniencing fewer cardholders in the process.”
Kaspar Kock Kristensen
Senior Vice President of Fraud andDisputeServices,Nets

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