Page 16 - SA Chamber UK - MAY Newsletter 2024
P. 16
- By Primestars
Martin Sweet
With South Africa’s high unemployment rate, continued economic disparities and social
barriers, the country’s youth face a myriad of challenges. Although there are interventions
in place, continued economic disparities and social barriers continue to hinder the potential
of our youth and more needs to be done. Youth empowerment programmes have emerged
as vital initiatives that not only offer hope but also tangible opportunities for a brighter
future. Such initiatives will break the cycle of poverty and unemployment by providing the
youth with the necessary skills and opportunities to thrive.
One such champion of youth development is Primestars, which was founded 20 years ago
by Martin Sweet.
With a formidable career spanning over four decades gaining respect in industries including
business, government, development and education, Martin Sweet is a true force not only
in executive corporate management but in championing the support and upliftment of the
disenfranchised. Today Primestars is one of the leading youth development organisations
in South Africa, which has, to date, benefitted over one million youth from under-resourced
communities across the country.
Martin Sweet was initially recognised for his role in the conceptualisation and launch of
the Cell C Take Your Girl Child to Work Day programme and has since introduced several
ground-breaking social impact programmes. These include My Future, My Career - a Career
Guidance project, The educate- Matric Revision Math and Science Initiative, Smartbucks-
Mind your moolah Financial Literacy Project, STEP UP LET’S LEAD - inspiring youth leadership