Page 11 - SA Chamber UK Newsletter April 2024
P. 11
08:30 - Registration - tea, coffee and pastries
08:50 - Welcome and overview - Alec Hogg, founder of BizNews
09:00 - From effective one-party state to Coalitions - how the new political dispensation
will transform SA’s growth trajectory - Dr FRANS CRONJE, political scientist, chairman
of the Social Research Foundation; former CEO of the Institute of Race Relations.
10:00 - The world’s next oil and gas province—South Africa’s third natural resource miracle
after diamonds and gold — JAMES LORIMER MP, shadow minister of Mineral
Resources in the Democratic Alliance, SA’s official opposition.
11:00 - Mid-morning tea, coffee and biscuits
11:15 - Will SA still be a great country to live in, in 2025? - PAUL O’SULLIVAN, forensic
investigator, founder of Forensics For Justice; Ace crime fighter whose investigations
jailed two SA Police Commissioners.
12:15 - The solar revolution; why things are looking up and how it is helping to beat SA’s
electricity shortage - ANDREW MIDDLETON, actuary and former investment banker,
CEO of GoSolr, SA’s leading retail solar power provider.
13:00 - Finger Lunch
13:45 - South Africa’s thriving, massive, unrecorded, unappreciated informal sector - GG
ALCOCK, SA informal sector specialist and advocate; author of bestsellers ‘Born
White, Zulu Bred’, ‘Kasinomics’; Director of AltVest.
14:45 - How tech-rich AltVest democratises small business access to capital by
democratising private equity - WARREN WHEATLEY, CA (SA); founder and CEO of
SA’s disruptive financial services player.
15:30 - Mid-afternoon tea, coffee and brownies
15:45 - Investing in Turnarounds and Emerging Markets - some ideas for the new-look
South Africa - SEAN PECHE, portfolio manager of Ranmore Global Equity Fund.
16:45 - Summary and conclusion followed by drinks
17:30 - Conference ends