Page 16 - South African Chamber of South African Chamber of Commerce UK Awards 2023 WINNER e-brochure
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              Sponsored by:  Hogan Lovells
              Presented by:  Chris Green, Office Managing Partner,
                               Hogan Lovells Johannesburg

                                                  JOINT WINNER

        REFILWE BUTHELEZI                 Refilwe  Buthelezi  is  a  professional  schools through various programmes.

        President, Engineering Council of   engineer,  registered  with  the  Her numerous accolades include:
        South Africa  (SA)                Engineering  Council  of  South  Africa  2021  Women  in  Engineering  Award
                                          (ECSA).  Refilwe  is  a  non-executive  from the South African Institute of
                                          director for the South African National  Electrical  Engineers  (SAIEE);  2022
                                          Road Agency (SANRAL),  Transnet  University of Johannesburg  Dignitas
                                          Limited, a Fellow of The South African  Award.
                                          Academy  of  Engineering  (SAAE),   She  has  served  as  the  Vaal  University
                                          the  first  female  president  of  the   of  Technology  (VUT)  Chair  of  Council
                                          Engineering  Council  of  South  Africa   and  Refilwe  is  a  firm  believer  in  Pan-
                                          (ECSA) and the president-elect of the   Africanism. She is  a champion  for
                                          Federation  of  African  Engineering   ECSA to play a role in assisting African
                                          Organisations (FAEO). She is a director
                                          of the Pfuxani STEM Foundation, a non-  engineering  institutes  to  become
                                                                              signatory members of the International
                                          profit organisation (NPO) that she co-
                                          founded with the intention to promote   Engineering  Alliance  (IAE)  educational
                                          Science,   Technology,   Engineering
                                          and  Mathematics  (STEM)  subjects  at  Refilwe Buthelezi  | LinkedIn

            AWARDS FINALISTS 2023
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18