Page 23 - SA Chamber UK-November News Letter
P. 23

With companies generously donating trucks and resources, Chefs with Compassion
            evolved into a lifeline for thousands facing hunger.

            The generosity was astounding –tonnes of food, from two-minute noodles to mayonnaise,
            arrived daily. The creativity of chefs who turned unexpected donations into nourishing
            meals was nothing short of inspiring.

            The challenges persisted, but so did the compassion. As lockdowns extended and hunger
            grew, so did the number of volunteers and food donors. Human chains formed to offload
            truckloads of produce, and chefs, facing their own challenges, dug into their own pockets
            to ensure the cooking continued. Each day brought surprises – truckloads of melons
            turned into a heartwarming curry on Youth Day, and surplus lettuce transformed into
            soup on Mandela Day.

            As normalcy returned, so did new challenges. Consumer demand normalised, and food
            waste went back to normal levels, if 10,3 million tonnes of good food discarded annually
            can be considered normal. Chefs, now back at work, faced their own constraints, but
            the need persisted. Chefs with Compassion adapted, shifting focus to community soup
            kitchens and religious groups. The sharehouse in City Deep near the market became a
            symbol of resilience, supported by a handful of compassionate corporates covering the

            monthly rental costs.

            Despite the hurdles, Chefs with Compassion stands strong. Over 30 organisations still
            collect rescued food daily, turning it into nourishing meals and food parcels for thousands
            in  Johannesburg.  The  NOSH  rescue  warriors  continue  their  daily  mission,  separating
            salvageable  items  and  coordinating  collections  with  beneficiary  organisations.  Under

            even more challenging circumstances, Chefs with Compassion remains a beacon of hope,
            feeding thousands on a daily basis.

            In the face of adversity, Chefs with Compassion has proven that compassion transcends
            challenges.  The  journey,  marked  by  unexpected  donations,  culinary  creativity,  and  an

            unwavering  commitment  to  the  community,  exemplifies  the  power  of  chefs  coming
            together for a cause greater than themselves.

            As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, the compassion of chefs remains a
            driving force, lighting the path towards a hunger-free future.

            Vanessa Naude is a seasoned marketing professional, owner of Strategic Public Relations
            and Isle Settle, and MD of IOM Relocate. She settled on the Isle of Man with her family in
            2022 and launched the first-ever SAFFA Festival in collaboration with the SA Chamber of
            Commerce UK in September this year.

            To support Chefs with Compassion in their ongoing fight against hunger, please contact
            Vanessa on or +44 7624 332404.

            - By Vanessa Naude, Founding Director of Chefs with Compassion

                                                      SA CHAMBER UK NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2023
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