Page 10 - SCCI Company Profile
P. 10
Mine Study, Exploration
and Management
Study : Geotechnical, Slope Stability, field/area contour, field description and
properties, Feasibility Study service, AMDAL Document service, RR (Rencana
Reklamasi / Reclamation Plan) and RPT (Rencana Pasca Tambang / Post Mining
Plan) Document service, Environmental Monitoring, Waste Water Treatment.
Exploration : Channel Sampling, Geological Mapping, Drilling and Logging,
Coring Analysis.
Management : Stockpile Management, Blending Management, Coal Coating,
Quality Control & Analysis, Due Diligent, Mine Progress Survey, SMKP (Sistem
Manajemen Keselamatan Pertammbangan / Mining Safety Management
System), Production Planning and Supervision, Hauling Planning and
Supervision, Road Dust Suppressant.
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