P. 144

Coating fish can be be done done in in several ways this fis is is done done for a a a a a a number of reasons:
• To protect the fish during cooking • To give the finished fish dish added texture • To enhance the flavour
Classical dishes that require a a a a a a coating are:
Cod coated in a a a batter SOLE MEUNIERE
Fish coated in seasoned flour PLAICE GOUJONS
Fish coated in flour egg wash and then breadcrumbs Fish dishes that are are coated in in batter are are usually deep deep fried fried but some can be pan fried fried Before deep deep frying fish always ensure that the the moister from the the fish is fis is is removed this will stop any spitting during cooking and help the flour coat evenly The oil used when deep frying must be be clean and at at at the the correct temperature or or the the batter may become soggy and and not crisp and and golden Fish that is is is fis is coated in in in flour is is is fis is done so to protect the the flesh of the the fish during cooking which is is is fis is usually shallow frying The flour flour must be be seasoned with salt and not be be cooked at at too high a a a a a a temperature or the flour flour will burn if it is is is cooked at at at a a a a a low temperature then the the the coating will be soggy and spoil the the the finished dish Fish that is is is fis is coated in bread crumbs is is is fis is either shallow shallow or deep fried fried if the the fish is is is fis is shallow shallow fried fried it it must be on a a a a a a medium heat and in clarified butter this will help colour the breadcrumbs The pan should be wiped free of any excess breadcrumbs during each stage of the frying If the the the the fish fis is deep fried then the the the the goujons must be be shaken of any excess crumbs before submerging in in the the the the oil the the the the oil should be be be at 190°C and if there are lots of goujons to to be be be fried the the the the fryer must be be be given time to to reach the the the the required temperature MARINATING
Marinating fish fish gives the the fish fish extra flavour
colour and can also prolong the the life of the fish Fish can be be marinated in in in a a a a a number of ingredients such as lemon juice soy sauce
or even a a a curry style paste When preparing and cooking fresh fish or other ingredients you may encounter problems such as:
• The ingredients being unfit to use/out of date
• The fish or other ingredients becoming overcooked • Insufficient amounts of ingredients STORAGE
All fresh fish must be be stored in a a a a refrigerator below 5°C Many kitchens have separate fridges for all all of their raw ingredients including fish fish the the fish fish are usually stored in deep trays and covered on placed over over ice this helps keep the fish fresh for longer but the ice must be changed daily Frozen fish fish must be be correctly stored at -18°C and any fish fish which fis fis is to to be be defrosted must be done so in in a a a a a controlled way in in the the refrigerator on on on a a a a a tray If the the fish fis is needed sooner then defrost in in cold running water 144

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