P. 145

There are many different methods of cooking fish:
• Poaching
• Grilling
• Shallow and deep frying • Baking
• Braising • Steaming • Steaming All types of of fish fish fish are suitable for steaming Steaming fish fish fish fis fis is fis a a a a a a a a very delicate way of of cooking the fish fish fish and involves no oil so is is fis popular with people who are dieting or health concise The fish can be steamed in in in a a a a a a house hold steamer steamer steamer Chinese basket or industrial steamer steamer steamer Flavours can be added in in in the steamer steamer steamer to enhance the the flavours of the the fish POACHING
fish fish fish in in in in stock or a a a a a a a a court bouillon fis is fis fis is a a a a a a a a very popular way of cooking fish fish fish the fish fish fish fis is fis fis is usually placed in in in in a a a a a a a a deep pan and submerged in in the the the the cooking liqueur It is fis then cooked over a a a a gentle heat on the the the the stove if the the the the fish is fis not full covered in in the the the stock then a a lid or buttered cartouche to to to to stop the the the fish from drying out If a a a a a a a a whole fish fish fis is fis is is to be be poached poached then it it must be be deep poached poached in a a a a a a a a fish fish kettle This fis is fis is is a a a a a a a a large long pan with a a a a a a a a separate compartment to to sit the the the the fish fish on the the the the fish fish fis fis is then then poached over a a a a a a period of time and then then left to to cool while still in the kettle FRYING/DEEP FAT FRYING FRYING Fish that is is is fis commonly deep fried is is is fis coated in batter (fish and chips) or breadcrumbs (scampi) the breadcrumbs provide the fish with a a a a a a protective coating add texture and flavour
SHALLOW FRY When shallow frying fish fish fish the the the fish fish fish must be coated in in in seasoned flour the the the fish fish fish fis fis fis is then cooked in in in oil or clarified butter butter on each side until cooked Some time the fish can be be finished with nut brown butter butter (beurre noisette) Fish can be shallow fried in in steaks darnes or even whole such as trout sardines GRILLING
Most fish fish can be grilled but this depends on the the size and thickness of the the fish fish as It may need finishing fin in in the the oven the the fish fish should be be be soared with a a a a a knife before before cooking Some fish fish are are coated in in breadcrumbs before before grilling but but instead of coating as for pane the the fish are coated in in in in melted butter then breadcrumbs Trout and mackerel are both suitable to grill whole BAKING
fish fish fish fis is is fis fis is rarely used as this dries out the the the the fish fish fish so the the the the fish fish fish fis is is fis fis is either coated or wrap in in in other ingredients: • Wrapped in foil
• Placed in greaseproof paper (en papillote)
• Wrapped in pastry (en croute)
• Bake in a a a sauce
When holding fish for service it must be kept at at a a a a a a constant temperature this fis is is is to reduce the risk of bacteria spreading and and also to ensure the the dish remains hot for service The maximum temperature is is 82oc and and the the minimum temperature is 63°C FISH
Fish can be garnished with anything that chapters your imagination but classically some fish dishes have their their own own garnishes Other fish dishes have their their own own accompaniments which enhance the the the the finished dish dish • Tomato sauce
(accompaniment) • Wedges of lemon (garnish)
• Tartar sauce
(accompaniment) • Chopped parsley (garnish)
• Brown bread and butter (accompaniment) • Hollandaise sauce
(accompaniment) • Beurre noisette (accompaniment) 145

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