P. 48

We looked at at the function of of different nutrients earlier which should give you an an understanding of of what health problems may arise if we we were to become deficient in one or or or more nutrients nutrients Remember nutrients nutrients often work together so so a a a a a a a deficiency in in one can affect the the the the other For example vitamin D helps the the the the body absorb calcium more efficiently NUTRIENT Protein
deficiency is very rare in in the UK as we can get most of of our our daily requirements from a a a range of of food sources EXCESS
Growth and development of all body cells and tissues
• Poor growth
in children • Thinning hair skin and nails • Getting ill often/infections • Poor digestion
• Weight gain
• Extra pressure on kidneys and liver to excrete excess protein via the urine A deficiency of of carbohydrate is is very rare in in in in fin the the UK more worrying is is the the increased intake of of refined and processed carbohydrates and foods containing 'free' sugars
Body's main source of energy
• Tiredness
• Weight loss • Severe weakness
• Constipation from lack of fibre in in wholegrain foods • Weight gain
(as excess carbohydrate is stored in fat cells)
• Excess refined carbohydrates (high in sugar) can lead to to tooth decay and type 2 diabetes
A deficiency of fat fat is very rare in in in in the the UK in in in in fact most people are are consuming too much fat fat in in in in their diet BODY MASS INDEX (BMI)
Hormone production body temperature regulation energy
absorption of fat soluble vitamins
• Weight loss • Feeling cold (as fat acts as as an insulating layer to keep the body warm)
• Weight gain
• Obesity
• Raised blood cholesterol
• High blood pressure • Coronary heart disease
• Less active (become out of breath easier)
• Type 2 diabetes
• Organs can't work as efficiently as they become surrounded by fat fat e e g fatty liver (hepatic steatosis)
The body mass index (BMI)
is is a a a a a a measure that uses your your height and weight weight to work out if your your weight weight is is healthy The BMI calculation divides an adult's weight in in kilograms by their height in in metres squared For most adults an an ideal BMI is in the 18 5 to 24 9

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