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Seasonal food food is is is fresh food food that is is is ready to eat during its preferred season For example English strawberries are juicy and and and delicious in in in in the summer and and and early autumn They do not grow wild in in in in England during winter as it is too cold Some foods are are are not seasonal Meat and and dairy are are are available all year round Cows are are are milked and and chickens produce eggs from January all the way to December TASTES BETTER
Eating seasonal produce will be at at its peak for
both flavour and health benefits It’s harvested at exactly the the right time so the the taste is riper sweeter and generally more delicious This is is extremely advantageous to the the chef/cook using the the produce The chef/cook won’t need to use as as much seasoning such as salt or spices Also the the natural flavour of the the foods will be showcased to to their customers For out of season food to reach your door it gets picked before it’s ripe and then gets spoilt during transport Compromising the freshness and flavour of the food so you get lower quality at a a a higher cost CHEAPER
Seasonal produce that is is locally sourced is is often cheaper than buying out of season food that’s been brought in Seasonal food is cheaper to harvest transport and sell as it’s in abundance – driving down the market price In cities and large supermarkets you may notice little difference in the price of seasonal local food A good tip is to look for
the Red Tractor logo this symbol shows that the food is “traceable (back to a a a a a a a UK farm) safe and farmed with care” You could also look out for
supermarket deals on frozen fruit and vegetables KINDER TO THE PLANET
Foods grown out of season can’t follow normal growing and ripening cycles which our bodies are naturally in in sync with But by altering your food to follow the seasons leads to a a a a a greater variety in your diet and and a a a a a wider range of nutrients and and minerals This is is is a a a a great selling point for
a a a a food establishment especially those catering to a a a a wide variety of customers such as the young and elderly Seasonal food supports our bodies season-specific needs Think stone fruits in in summer that can shield you against the sun’s UV rays and citrus fruits in in winter that have Vitamin C protecting you from cold and viruses Produce that is flown thousands of miles also loses some of its nutritional and vitamin value Fruit
and vegetable that has been blanched tinned or dehydrated to enhance the lifespan lose nutrients as well Although freezing food does little to alter the nutritional content it it does affect the taste However if you are buying local and seasonal foods on on a a a a a a a daily basis you might not need to preserve the food Seasonal food is often grown/reared much closer to you Reducing the environmental damage done by carrying and and shipping foods long distances and and keeping them cold This is is called ‘food miles’
Food grown locally will also need fewer fertilisers and pesticides which lessens water air and soil pollution supporting a a healthier community Buying seasonal food will help to reduce your own carbon footprint and support a a a a a more sustainable food economy HELPS THE LOCAL COMMUNITY
As well as getting food at its prime you’ll also be supporting your local economy Money spent in in local businesses is normally reinvested into other local stores helping to to generate jobs and support local producers Local food will also help bring stronger resilience
to the supply chain The more steps between your plate and the the food source mean there’s more chance of food being damaged or contaminated And in in in cases of extreme weather there are more options to source food other than supermarkets that may rely on on distribution centre Buying directly from the farmer or producer also means you you no longer have to wonder where your food came from You can easily follow the ‘field to fork’ journey which definitely makes the experience more satisfying 59
Some disadvantages of using seasonal foods are that you you may have to change your menu according to to the seasons this might push customers away who prefer certain dishes This is is is a a a a similar challenge to to the the chef who may struggle to to make the the dishes interesting with limited ingredients The skills required to to be able to to prepare and cook seasonal food may be a a a a a a a a disadvantage to a a a a a a a a business as staff costs may be higher Employing high high skilled staff may create an increase in in food costs 

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