Page 4 - Ebook_Via Delfia Br Karo_2012021059_5L
P. 4


                                In this teaching material, it will be discussed

                         about asking and giving opinion in learning English.

                         In everyday conversation, asking and giving opinion

                         is  very  common.  This  is  used  when  there  is  an

                         interactive chat or dialogue to discuss something.

                         That  is  why  school  children,  especially  junior  high

                         schools, must know what sentences and expressions

                         should  be  used  to  express  and  ask  opinions  in

                         English. Like Asking opinion can be used when you

                         want to ask or need someone else's opinion. There

                         are  many  ways  to  ask  for  opinions  in  English,  for

                         example What is your opinion?, What is your idea?,

                         What are your thoughts on …?, What is your point

                         of  view?,  What/how  do  you  think/reckon  about?

                         and  others.  Giving  opinion  to  express  opinions  or

                         ideas in mind. The goal is so that other people can

                         more  easily  understand  what  you  think.  For

                         example I think/Personally I think…, In my opinion,

                         From my point of view, To/in my mind…, I (strongly)

                         believe  (that)  and  others.  Asking  and  giving

                         opinion  is  expressed  with  good  and  correct

                         expressions in English.
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