Page 104 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 104
Cover Story EW India Private B-schools Rankings 2023-24
(IMT), Ghaziabad. The only sur-
prise is the K.J. Somaiya Institute
of Management, Mumbai which
has been promoted to #5 (8), a rank
it shares with the ICFAI Business
School, Hyderabad (6).
Prof. Varun Nagaraj, director
of SPJIMR, Mumbai (estb.1981 by
the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan), is more
forthcoming and appreciative of the
EW Private B-schools Rankings. “Our
India #3 rank demonstrates SPJIMR’s
consistent commitment to excellence
and preparing students for success in
the rapidly-evolving business world.
Although not as well known, SPJIMR
graduates are as good as any of the
best B-schools in the country. One
of the significant metrics that sets
SPJIMR apart is our innovative and KJSIM's Ramachandran (left): access advantage
industry-relevant curriculum deliv-
ered by highly qualified and expe- management education. It’s not the We already have several international
rienced faculty with many of them only good news we have received. tie-ups. So, we are confident that we
having acquired significant industry Our recent accreditation by the Flor- will be able to leverage this new policy
experience, as testified by our high ida (USA)-based AACSB is also an to enhance educational experiences
score under the industry interface pa- endorsement of global standards of of our students and upgrade research
rameter.” teaching and research that we provide and innovation capability,” adds Ram-
The imminent entry of foreign uni- our students. These accolades are the achandran.
versities and presumably B-schools outcome of our faculty’s relentless fo- Further down the Top 10 table,
doesn’t bother SPJIMR. “We already cus on excellence and sustained effort there’s been a minor re-arrangement
have exchange programmes with sev- to ensure students and faculty have of the pecking order. Most private B-
eral top-ranked B-schools around the the best teaching and research envi- schools have either retained or con-
world which will be strengthened to ronment. As a constituent institute of ceded a rank. The Xavier Institute
provide our students a global perspec- Somaiya Vidyavihar University, our of Management, Bhubaneswar
tive and exposure to different cultures students and faculty have access to and Amity School of Business,
and business practices,” says Nagaraj, multidisciplinary education on our Noida have retained their 2022-23
an alumnus of IIT-Bombay, Boston campus which is specially mandated rankings. And beyond the Top 10, the
University and North Carolina State by the National Education Policy Amrita School of Business, Co-
University, who acquired over 30 2020,” says Dr. Ramachandran, an imbatore has risen impressively to
years of teaching and academic expe- alum of Indian Agricultural Research #11 (14) and #1 in Tamil Nadu.
rience of industry and academia be- Institute, Delhi with a Ph D from Uni- It’s important — especially for busi-
fore being appointed dean of SPJIMR versity of Adelaide and over three ness management students who don’t
in 2021. Currently, SPJIMR has 1,200 decades of corporate experience who want to stray far from home — to note
students mentored by 72 faculty on its was appointed director and dean of that several private B-schools which
muster rolls. KJSIM in 2022. are modestly ranked nationally, are
Likewise, Dr. Raman Ramach- Like most top-level educators, Dr. top-ranked in their host states. For
andran, dean and director of K.J. Ramachandran is unfazed by the im- instance, the Jagdish Sheth School
Somaiya Institute of Manage- minent entry of foreign universities of Management (formerly IFIM),
ment, Mumbai (KJSIM), is pleased into India. “Contrary to popular per- Bengaluru has retained its last year’s
with the ascent of this 42-year-old B- ception, this is a very positive devel- #13 rank, but significantly, it is the
school in the EW league table. “We are opment as we don’t necessarily regard top-ranked private B-school of Kar-
delighted to be ranked among India’s foreign B-schools as competitors. We nataka (pop.64 million). Likewise, II-
Top 5 most admired private B-schools. also believe this will create opportu- HMR, Jaipur, ranked #14 nationally
It’s a testimony to KJSIM's legacy of nities for partnerships based on the is the #1 private B-school of Rajasthan
over 40 years of world-class business strengths that each player will bring. (pop.81 million).