Page 91 - EW May 2023_Neat
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India’s best government law & humanities
Since last year when
government varsities
were segregated
according to their subject
specialisations, the
National Law Universities
(NLUs) have dominated
EW India Gov. Law &
Humanities league table
ven as India’s legal system is
collapsing under the weight
of pending caseload — a re-
Ecord 47 million cases are
pending in the country’s courts — legal NLSIU's Dr. Krishnaswamy (centre right): "unparalled legal learning environment"
education institutions are flourishing
and multiplying across the country. (estb. 1988) heading the league table permanent social sciences faculty at
According to Union law minister Kiren with top scores on all ten parameters the university. With the National Edu-
Rijiju, currently 1,721 colleges/ univer- of higher education excellence. cation Policy 2020 recommending all
sities — including 920 private colleges, “We are honoured to receive this higher education institutions to trans-
248 private universities, 383 govern- recognition for the second consecutive form into multidisciplinary universi-
ment law colleges and 170 govern- year. Our top score for faculty compe- ties, we intend to boost research and
ment varsities — offer law study pro- tence is especially satisfying as our knowledge creation, upgrade and ex-
grammes countrywide. Of them, the faculty is drawn from the best institu- pand our syllabus to develop new law
most prized are the 24 National Law tions in India and overseas including and multidisciplinary programmes,”
Universities (NLUs) promoted by Cen- Stanford, Cambridge, Oxford, Har- he adds.
tral/state governments pursuant to vard, Yale, and New York universities, Following NLSIU is NALSAR
the second-generation legal education NALSAR Hyderabad, NLU Delhi and University of Law, Hyderabad
reforms (1985) implemented by the XLRI Jamshedpur. This exceptionally which has retained its #2 rank. The
Bar Council of India. Admission into talented pool is the strongest faculty Indian Law Institute has been el-
NLUs is through the highly competi- cohort at any Indian law university evated to #3 (#5 in 2022-23), NLU,
tive CLAT (Common Law Admission currently and enables us to provide an Dwarka, Delhi is ranked #4 (#4)
Test) — in 2022 of the 61,574 students unparalleled learning environment for while the WB National University
who wrote CLAT, a mere 2,175 were legal education in the country,” says of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata at
admitted. Dr. Sudhir Krishnaswamy, an #5 (#3) has lost some lustre.
Therefore, it’s not surprising that alumnus of NLSIU and Oxford Univer- Since this is a composite league
since last year when government varsi- sity who was appointed vice chancellor table of law and humanities univer-
ties were segregated according to their of NLSIU in 2019. sities, two previously unranked non-
domain/subject specialisations, the According to Krishnaswamy, NL- legal Central higher education institu-
NLUs have dominated the EW India SIU’s pedagogy is focused on the in- tions — Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri
Government Law & Humanities Rank- tersection of law with the social sci- Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha,
ings. This year too, seven of the Top ences and humanities. “Last year, we Delhi, ranked #6 and National San-
10 ranks have been awarded to NLUs recruited ten new faculty in social skrit University, Tirupati ranked
with National Law School of India sciences and humanities, resulting in #8, have broken the run of law uni-
University (NLSIU), Bengaluru a five-fold increase in the number of versities.