Page 10 - EW April 2024_Neat
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         RESET OF SINO-INDIA RELATIONS OVERDUE                             poor learning outcomes documented
                                                                           by ASER surveys.
                                                                             Therefore, the question which no-
               mid all the hype and hoopla   Against this backdrop, a recent re-  body seems to be asking is: should a
               about India having become the   port of the Stockholm International   country in which over a billion citizens
         Aworld’s fifth largest economy   Peace  Research  Institute  (SIPRI)   live desperate lives in conditions of
         with a $4 trillion GDP and fastest an-  revealing that India was the world’s   bleak deprivation, incur such vast ex-
         nual rate of 6.2 percent GDP growth,   largest importer of arms, armaments   penditure on defence every year? Isn’t
         it’s an unpleasant, but necessary duty   and  defence  equipment  in  2023,   making peace with China the easier
         to strike a discordant note.     makes — or should make — disturb-  option in the broader national inter-
            GDP should be measured accord-  ing reading. According to SIPRI, in   est? It’s well-documented that during
         ing to the per capita metric and not   the period 2018-22 India imported 11   almost 200 years of British Raj over
         by way of absolute number. There’s   percent of global defence equipment   the subcontinent, arbitrary boundary
         a certain inevitability about the GDP   ahead of Saudi Arabia (9.6 percent),   lines were drawn and imposed upon
         of India with its population of 1.4 bil-  Qatar (6.4), Australia (4.7) and China   Chinese-Tibet  including  the  Aksai
         lion surpassing Britain which has 63   (4.6).  In  the  interim  Union  budget   Chin region.
         million people, equivalent to that of   2024-25,  the  allocation  for  defence   Instead  of  re-negotiating  these
         Karnataka, one of India’s 29 states.   is Rs.6.2 lakh crore cf. Rs.1.20 lakh   lines in a bona fide spirit of give-take,
         Moreover, India’s $4 trillion (Rs.333   crore for education; Rs.90,171 crore   successive governments in New Delhi
         lakh crore) divided by its population   for healthcare and Rs.3.5 lakh crore   have  adamantly  insisted  upon  pre-
         translates  into  per  capita  GDP  of   for rural development.    serving  border  lines  inherited  from
         $6,500 per annum. Even this statistic   Admittedly education, healthcare   the  British  notwithstanding  several
         that every adult and child in the coun-  and rural development are ‘concur-  millennia  of  Sino-India  peace,  har-
         try  directly  or  indirectly  receives  a   rent’ subjects under the Constitution   mony  and  cultural  linkages  in  the
         monthly income of $500 (Rs.42,000)   with the states also obliged to incur   pre-Raj era. This foolishness has up-
         is misleading. The reality is that 60   expenditure under these heads. But   ended post-independence India’s na-
         percent of annual GDP is hogged by   with the Centre setting the bar so low,   tional development effort and heaped
         the upper 10 percent of the citizenry   total expenditure on education adds to   misery on over one billion citizens. A
         comprising  the  430  million-strong   less than 3 percent of GDP against the   bona fide reset of Sino-India relations
         middle class.                    global average of 5 percent. Hence the   is overdue.

         WAYS & MEANS TO FUND POLITICAL PARTIES                            to the previous system of permitting
                                                                           corporates and businesses to trans-
                                                                           parently donate up to 7.5 percent of
              ull disclosure of details of the   EBS,  ruling  that  the  fundamental   net profit to political parties of their
              Electoral Bonds Scheme (EBS)   right of citizens to information about   choice. But this is a route fraught with
         Fby the State Bank of India and   who purchased and donated electoral   danger because open and transparent
         Election Commission following stern   bonds to which political party to as-  donation to a political party is likely
         admonition by the Supreme Court of   certain quid pro quo, over-rode the   to make donors vulnerable to vendetta
         India, is proof that despite disman-  right to privacy of donor-citizens. Al-  when  an  opposition  party  comes  to
         tling  of  the  licence-permit-quota   though legally correct, this judgement   power. In the circumstances, the bet-
         regime in 1991, government still ex-  is not in the public interest inasmuch   ter option is to enact legislation which
         ercises  substantial  control  over  in-  as it is likely to restore the status quo   permits individuals and corporates to
         dustry and commerce. That’s why a   ante and force citizens and corporates   contribute to an Election Fund which
         large number of companies and in-  to generate black money to fund po-  could  be  distributed  by  the  Elec-
         dividuals, including some of the big-  litical parties.           tion Commission to every registered
         gest  names  in  India  Inc,  purchased   Recent developments such as wea-  party in proportion to the percentage
         electoral bonds — essentially bearer   ponisation of government controlled   of popular vote it received in the last
         bonds which granted complete ano-  economic offences investigation agen-  General Election.
         nymity to the purchaser and recipient   cies such as the Enforcement Direc-  Of course the best option is for po-
         political party. Introduced in 2017 by   torate, CBI, Income and GST authori-  litical parties to fund themselves by
         the BJP government at the Centre, the   ties to target opposition parties and   registering members for a modest fee
         objective of EBS was to clean up dona-  their  actual  and  perceived  support-  — say Rs.100. Given India’s huge pop-
         tions to registered political parties and   ers, are proof enough that the Central   ulation, that can add up to a massive
         eliminate the necessity of donors gen-  and state governments have sufficient   amount. Moreover party membership
         erating unaccounted ‘black’ money to   powers to intimidate opposition par-  is a vote almost assured. This was the
         fund electoral expenses — a necessity   ties and their supporters in business   logic behind the registration (2013) of
         that can’t be wished away — of politi-  and industry.             the Children First Party of India whose
         cal parties and politicians.       Therefore  new  pathways  have  to   aims and objectives were self-evident.
           However in a landmark judgement   be found to legitimise contributions   But lack of big budget promotion and
         delivered on February 15, a full bench   of individuals to political parties. A   an apathetic middle class buried this
         of  the  Supreme  Court  struck  down   readily  available  option  is  to  revert   much needed initiative.

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