Page 113 - EW April 2024_Neat
P. 113

don’t take the next step   development, self-reliance   making, global quality   of existing educational/
         of recognising that it is   and balanced growth   norms, urban and com-   health care hubs, ad-
         this combination of urban   through centralised   mercial area development,   versely impacting student/
         development/decen-       controls, creating a large   still remain intact, as does   teacher and doctor/patient
         tralisation which made   centralised machinery to   the structure of the gover-  ratios and educational/
         China so growth attractive.   ‘guide manufacturing/  nance machinery designed   health outcomes unlike the
         Instead, they proceed to   exports/commerce’. As   originally for Plan imple-  original state intent.
         discuss Chinese support   against this, the princi-  mentation. Consequently,   Thus, unintention-
         for manufacturing through   pal focus of the initial   we lack governance skills/  ally, capability creation
         subsidies/exchange rate   modernisation drives of   empowerment and global   is slowed down. It could
         management tactics, but   both South Korea and   quality ‘non-transport re-  thus be that it is lack of
         unlike their other argu-  China, was in creating and   lated’ infrastructure even a   decentralisation, wide-
         ments, they have not     managing global qual-   few kilometres outside our   spread urbanisation and
         incorporated specific    ity ‘playing fields’ — viz   capital cities.     mal-balanced use of scarce
         datapoints in support.   cities and industrial/com-  Also, lack of high-quali-  management resources
           An emerging economy    mercial areas and not in   ty urban amenities prevent   vis-a-vis our competitive
         suffers from shortages of   analysing/deciding how to   universities/hospitals   peers that needs greater
         two types of resources:   use them or how to allow   located outside favoured   attention/focus as the
         financial capital and    entrepreneurs to use them.   cities from accessing high   principal development
         managerial skills. Both are   This difference in   quality talent. Simplis-  challenge that warrants
         equally valuable. Strate-  basics still exists. Though   tic increase in spending   new thinking of policy
         gies involving allocation/  liberalisation happened in   on health/education, as   makers/commentators
         re-allocation of either,   1991, the imbibed attitudes   already experienced, with-  and not the manufactur-
         can damage or enhance    of Indian officialdom   out urban development    ing/services debate men-
         outcomes.                towards markets, competi-  in multiple places outside   tioned by the authors.
           Post-independence      tion, industrial locations,   existing cities, merely   TCA RANGANATHAN (The
         India adopted planned    decentralised decision-  results in re-densification       Book Review)

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