Page 22 - EW April 2024_Neat
P. 22

Education News

         NCERT (see p.34).                month of flip-flop over conduct of
           Moreover, the state government   the exams, and now have an anxious
         has also come under criticism for its   wait ahead for the all-important
         poor planning and execution of the   ‘board’ results.
         exam. Bizarrely, KSEAB instructed   There’s no shortage of evidence
         students to bring their own plain-  endorsing the student-friendly CCE
         paper answer scripts to exam halls   system as the better alternative,
         — traditionally provided by exam   especially for primary school chil-
         boards/schools. After several School   dren. The National Education Policy
         Development Management Commit-   2020, based on the 484-page draft
         tees and private school associations   of the Dr. Kasturirangan Committee
         protested, a revised circular was   Report, also unequivocally mandates
         issued on March 8 that the board   shift from summative assessment to
         would provide answer scripts. The   continuous, formative, competency-
         latest in the saga is that KSEAB   based assessments for elementary
         has given teachers a mere five days   school children. But as always, gov-
         to complete evaluation of answer   ernment knows better.
         scripts of 2.8 million children.       Reshma Ravishanker (Bengaluru)
            omments T. Lokesh, president,
         CRUPSA: “The purpose of these      TAMIL NADU
         exams has been defeated by the way
         it has been conducted. We objected   Conditional
         to these exams because they are                                   education shifted to the state list,
         against the rights of children and   acceptance                   and we will work towards achiev-
         subject them to unwarranted stress.                               ing this goal. We are drawing up
         Not only did the very idea of board    lthough politically bjp, the   our own state education policy. We
         exams cause children stress but the    ruling party at the Centre,   will never accept the NEP,” he said,
         way the government managed it,  Aand DMK, the ruling party        simultaneously expressing the state
         from initially refusing to provide   in Tamil Nadu (pop.77 million), are   government’s intent to “maintain a
         answer scripts, to now the confu-  at daggers drawn, the Tamil Nadu   dialogue” with the Union education
         sion over evaluation, has aggravated   government has signalled an intent   ministry.
         student anxiety multifold. Teachers   to embrace the Prime Minister   According to the website of the
         are expected to evaluate 80 answer   Schools for Rising India (PM-SHRI)   Department of School Education
         scripts each day for class V exams,   programme, launched in September,   and Literacy of the Union educa-
         60 for class VIII and 40 for class IX.   2022.                    tion ministry, the PM-SHRI scheme,
         How can teachers evaluate 2.8 mil-  In an official statement dated   launched by Prime Minister Nar-
         lion students’ papers in such a short   March 15, the state government   endra Modi 18 months ago, is “an
         time? Can this hurried and summary   declared that it will sign a Memo-  initiative intended to develop more
         evaluation replace the detailed CCE   randum of Understanding (MoU)   than 14,500 PM-SHRI schools man-
         done by teachers? Definitely not.”  to implement PM-SHRI in state   aged by the Central government/
           However, it’s pertinent to note   government schools before the com-  state/UT Government/local bodies
         that while RUPSA opposes the board   mencement of the 2024-25 academic   including KVs and NVs in which
         exam for classes V, VIII and IX   year. Following this declaration,   every student feels welcomed and
         children, the Associated Manage-  state school education minister   cared for, where a safe and stimulat-
         ments of Private Schools in Karna-  Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi said   ing environment exists, where a wide
         taka (KAMS) welcomes them with   that its primary attraction is the   range of learning experiences are of-
         its general secretary D. Shashi   funds allocated under the scheme to   fered, and where good physical infra-
         Kumar, deeming the whole contro-  states — ranging from Rs.1,200 crore   structure and appropriate resources
         versy around the exams as “unneces-  in 2024-25 to Rs.3,800 crore in fol-  conducive to learning are available to
         sary”, since no child in classes I-VIII   lowing years.           all students”. The scheme envisages
         is likely to be detained.          Nevertheless, Poyyamozhi made   substantial investment in selected
           The sufferers in this indeed “un-  it clear that signing the MoU should   PM-SHRI schools proposed to be es-
         necessary” government-created con-  not be interpreted as acceptance   tablished over five years — 2022-23
         troversy are the state’s 2.8 million   of the National Education Policy   to 2026-27. The total allocation for
         children who had to live an anxious   (NEP) 2020. “Our objective is to get   the scheme is Rs.27,360 crore, with

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