Page 73 - EW February 2023
P. 73

Sukumar attempts to draw   Scholarships are termed   how the practice of   suicidal thoughts.
         a direct linkage between   ‘charity scholarships’ if   publishing the entrance   The book lays bare such
         the conceptualisation of   they are awarded to SC   exam merit list reflects   veiled forms of casteism
         merit and socio-cultural   students. Sukumar elabo-  the varnashram dharma,   and makes an appeal to
         values of the privileged   rates on how even if SC   as the list always begins   reflect and deliberate
         castes.                  enrollment has increased   with the general category,   on the lived experiences
           The narrative provides   from the 1970s, the total   followed by the OBCs and   through multiple case
         data featuring responses   number of fellowships is   SCs. This merit pyramid   studies. By making use
         of students concerning   stagnant. Furthermore,   remains unreversed even if   of ‘interpretative phe-
         casteist aspersions during   some universities reinforce   the SCs score more marks.    nomenological analysis’,
         M. Phil/Ph D interviews,   segregation by maintaining   The persistent usage   Sukumar lets students
         deliberately less marks   caste ghettoes in hostels.   of derogatory terms like   narrate their horrid stories
         being given to reserved   Problems of Dalit girl   ‘quota children’, ‘category   in their own way, without
         category students, unfair   students go unnoticed,   wallahs’, ‘preppies’, ‘baka-  corrupting their stream
         grade markings and less   especially cases pertaining   suras’ (gourmand) and   of anger and mourning
         time with teachers and   to sexual harassment.   ‘kumbhakarnas’ (one who   with his own analysis. By
         examiners for further      Apart from these      is naturally lazy and sleeps   turning academic spaces
         clarifications, among    slightly more overt     for long hours) recurring   into narrative zones of
         others. SC scholars are   forms of discrimination,   episodes of curious aston-  shared experiences, the
         pigeonholed as ‘Dalit’   Sukumar is not afraid to   ishment tinged with mock-  argument is quite simply,
         scholars. Body language   deliberate on subtle forms   ery for the ‘merit’ caste.   to see this space as one of
         and ‘deviant’ behavioural   of discrimination which   Sukumar deftly nudges our   ‘self-reflexivity’ instead of
         signals are commented    he terms “bureaucratic   attention to show how this   ‘self-improvement’.
         upon by staff and faculty   semiotics”. To quote an   normalisation of casteist   SURAJKUMAR THUBE
         members.                 example, he observes    slurs pushes students to       (The Book Review)

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