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         Developing computational

         thinking skills

                                                                     ASHWINI CHANDRASHEKHAR

            N CLASSROOMS WORLDWIDE, teaching-learning     When taught mere coding students
            coding, aka programming — the process of writing in-
            structions for computers to follow — has become popu-  are trained to write basic instructions
         Ilar. Schools are racing to introduce programming, with   but not develop the thinking of good
         students learning to create animations, navigate mazes,
         and control robots through code. While these activities do   engineers and mathematicians that
         involve some computational thinking — using sequences,   sparks innovation
         loops, and basic logic — they remain confined to sanitised
         environments, far removed from real-world complexity.
           It’s not that coding exercises lack value. However, they   now drives breakthrough after breakthrough. When arti-
         focus too narrowly on teaching specific programming lan-  ficial intelligence recently discovered a new antibiotic, it
         guages instead of developing a broader, more powerful way   wasn't working alone, it was guided by microbiologists who
         of thinking. It’s like teaching a student to use a calculator   knew what patterns to look for. When climate scientists
         only to add numbers or a smartphone only to make calls.   make predictions about global weather patterns, they’re
         When taught coding, students are trained to write basic in-  combining decades of human experience with computa-
         structions but not develop the thinking of good engineers   tional models in ways that neither could achieve alone.
         and mathematicians that sparks innovation by merging hu-  At Educational Initiatives (EI), we’re addressing a fun-
         man intelligence with computational power.       damental question: How do we develop students’ capabil-
           Evidence of this gap is startling. In a recent ASSET   ity to think computationally? Through our research, we’ve
         Computational Thinking (or CT, as it’s popularly known)   learned that students need immersive experiences that
         diagnostic test, students were shown how German math-  progress naturally — from logic puzzles that sharpen rea-
         ematician Carl Friedrich Gauss cleverly solved the problem   soning, to simulations that bring scientific concepts to life,
         of adding numbers from 1 to 100 by adding them in pairs   to data analysis that reveals hidden patterns in real-world
         (1+100=101, 2+99=101, 3+98=101, and so on) to make the   problems.
         calculation simple. Then they were asked to apply the same   The global shift towards computational thinking.
         thinking to add numbers from 1 to 50. The results were   The importance of computational thinking is being  ac-
         dismaying. Even with the solution pattern in front of them,   knowledged worldwide. Japan’s ‘Informatics’ curriculum
         most students couldn’t adapt it to solve a similar problem.   integrates this skill across subjects. Singapore’s ‘Code for
         They could follow the specific example, but couldn’t grasp   Fun’ program develops logical reasoning through hands-on
         the underlying principle to apply it in a new context.  activities. The UK introduces these concepts to children as
           This inability to transfer known patterns to new situa-  young as five, focusing on creating rather than just consum-
         tions is just one facet of the problem. Students also strug-  ing technology.
         gle with logical reasoning. Consider this seemingly simple   India’s National Education Policy 2020 and the Nation-
         puzzle: if Anu stands 5th from the left and 15th from the   al Curriculum Framework 2023 highlight computational
         right in a line, how many students are there in the line?   thinking as fundamental to creating well-rounded 21st cen-
         Less than 20 percent of class III and Class IV children an-  tury citizens. Internationally, PISA, the global benchmark
         swered this correctly. Even in class VIII only 29 percent of   for educational assessment conducted by OECD, added
         students provided the correct answer. The question isn’t   computational thinking as a subject in 2022, acknowledg-
         mathematically complex, it simply requires organising in-  ing its critical importance for students’ future success.
         formation systematically and drawing logical conclusions,   A vision for the future.  As AI transforms every field, ca-
         a fundamental requirement of computational thinking that   pability to think computationally becomes not just valuable,
         most students haven’t developed.                 but essential. Success will belong to those who can combine
         The power of computational thinking. History shows   human creativity with AI capabilities. EI’s Mindspark CT,
         us why this matters. During World War II, the challenge   launching in March 2025, will take students on this jour-
         of breaking the German Enigma code seemed impossible.   ney through challenges that simultaneously develop logical
         The code changed daily, making it too complex for human   thinking and creative problem-solving, the twin engines of
         deciphering. The breakthrough came when Alan Turing and   innovation in an AI-enhanced world.
         his team developed a solution that combined human pat-  The tools and pathways exist. Evidence for their neces-
         tern recognition capability with mechanical computational   sity is clear. The question is: How quickly can our educa-
         power. The British scientists succeeded not because they   tion system evolve to equip students with these essential
         had the fastest computers, but because they could combine   capabilities for the future?
         human and machine capabilities.                  (Ashwini Chandrashekhar is Manager, computational thinking at Educa-
           This marriage of human and computational thinking   tional Initiatives, Bengaluru)

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