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                       52                                                                           26

         WHAT'S WRONG WITH                                                               EDUCATION NEWS
             K-12 EDUCATION &                                                                 Delhi: Dismal
              HOW TO RIGHT IT                                                                      picture

               To harness India’s                                                             Maharashtra:
          demographic dividend —                                                             Discriminatory
          500 million children and                                                              recognition
           youth below age 34 — it
          is critical that we identify
          weaknesses in our K-12                                                              West Bengal:
             system and fix them                                                           Reckless neglect
         pronto. An overview of the
          deep-rooted problems of                                                               Karnataka:
           Indian school education                                                        Coaching industry
              with some remedial
                      solutions                                                                     curbs

                                          42      FROM MOSQUE TO TEMPLE: AN

                                                  INDIAN TRAGEDY
                                                  The consecration of the Ram temple was presided
                                                  by the prime minister himself like a medieval
                                                  priest before an audience comprising the
                                                  country's who's who. It was a collective takedown
                                                  of India's precious secular ethos — Rajiv Desai
          74                                             THE FUTURE OF WORK

         EW GRAND JURY INDIA                             2024 is promising in terms of work-life balance,
         PRESCHOOL RANKINGS 2023-24                      greater workplace diversity, incremental   72
                                                         adoption of artificial intelligence and climate
         Introduced in 2018, the EducationWorld          change practices. This trend is likely to continue
         Grand Jury India Preschool Rankings             — Rajesh Mehta & V. Badri-Paul
         felicitate pre-primaries that have
         introduced contemporary pedagogies
         and practices in early childhood care and                        IN THIS ISSUE
                                                  40       Editorial          22   International News   64

         64                           YOUNG ACHIEVERS      Mailbox            24   Teacher-2-Teacher  72
                                         Aryan Rajvanshi
                                                                                   Preschool Grand Jury
                                                           Education  News
                                             Haazik Kaizi
         INTERNATIONAL NEWS                                Education  Notes   36   Rankings           86
         Letter from America: Dr. Larry Arnn               Education Briefs   38
                                                                                   Postscript         92
         USA: Academic crucifixion
                                                           Young Achievers    40   Schools of Eminence
         France: Discriminatory legislation
                                                                                   Blue Bells Model School,
         China: Accommodation squeeze                      Expert Comment     42   Sector 4, Gurugram   14
         South Korea: Internationalisation drive                                   The DN Wisdom Tree Global
                                                           Cover Story        52
         Canada: Medium of instruction tax                                         School, Bhubaneswar   44

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