Page 22 - February EW 2024 PDF
P. 22


         RAM MANDIR: WHAT TEACHERS SHOULD TEACH                            and intends to construct a mosque in
                                                                           Ayodhya to be named after Prophet
                                                                           Mohammed’s father.
              ontrary to the assertions of   and finally adjudicated in 2019 by a   Now the onus is on the BJP gov-
              die-hard Left influenced secu-  full bench of erudite judges steeped   ernment at the Centre and in several
         Clarists and regressive Muslim   in the knowledge of constitutional   states that unreservedly backed the
         leaders, the smooth establishment   law and the rules of natural justice.     Ram Mandir proposal to ensure that
         and consecration of the resplendent   While describing the vandalisation   the judicial verdict is not transformed
         Ram Mandir in Ayodhya on January   and destruction of Babri Masjid three   into vengeful Hindu triumphalism,
         22 will strengthen Hindu-Muslim har-  decades ago as a condemnable “gross   and instead culminates in Hindu-
         mony rather than damage it. As such,   violation of law” but accepting it as   Muslim harmony, which was Mahat-
         it bodes well for snuffing out the em-  a fait accompli, in their lengthy rea-  ma Gandhi’s most cherished dream.
         bers of communal fires lit by Muslim   soned judgements, the full bench of   For educators and teachers in par-
         warlords from Central Asia who in-  the apex court (which included a Mus-  ticular, obliged to narrate the history
         vaded the subcontinent and colonised   lim judge) permitted the petitioner   of the successful construction of the
         it from the 16th century onwards, and   Hindu religious trusts to re-erect a   Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, it is impor-
         subsequently the British who devised   new Ram Temple at the disputed site,    tant to present the facts and circum-
         a successful divide and rule strategy   which many devout Hindu citizens   stances as set out above in the cause of
         that enabled it to colonise and plunder   revere as the birthplace of Lord Ram.   communal peace and harmony going
         the Indian subcontinent for almost   Simultaneously in a commendably   forward. The truth that this new cen-
         two centuries after the end of Mughal   Solomon-like judgement, the apex   tre of worship of India’s Hindu major-
         rule.                            court judges decreed the award of a   ity population has been established by
           For one, it’s important to note that   5-acre site nearby for the construction   the rule of law rather than fire, sword
         unlike the sacred sites of Christianity   of a new mosque for citizens of the ag-  and bloodshed, represents a triumph
         and Islam — the Vatican and Mecca   grieved Muslim minority community   of Indian civilisation. They should
         —  which  were  established  by  fire   to offer prayers and devotion. To its   teach that resolution of religious dis-
         and sword, the new Ram Temple in   credit and in the interest of communal   putes through secular, unbiased judi-
         Ayodhya is the outcome of prolonged   peace and harmony, the Sunni Waqf   cial verdicts provide opportunity for
         judicial deliberation and courtroom   Board of UP representing the Muslim   the next generation to unite to develop
         battles stretched over half a century   community has accepted the verdict   a peaceful and prosperous India.

         SET BALL ROLLING IN JUDICIAL REFORMS                              that Bilkis has been granted justice,
                                                                             However while there is celebration
                                                                           there’s little media and public com-
              he latest supreme court verdict   gang-raped and murdered as also her   ment that 22 years have elapsed since
              in the Bilkis Bano gang-rape   three-year-old daughter, two minor   the commission of these atrocious of-
         Tand multiple murder case which   brothers, two minor sisters and the   fences  before  final  closure.  It’s  also
         dates back to the 2002 anti-Muslim   cousin’s two-days-old child — that   curious that the death sentence which
         pogrom in Gujarat, has somewhat re-  the normative commutation  of  life   the courts are obliged to impose in the
         deemed the image of the apex court   sentence for good behaviour after 14   rarest of rare cases, has been a blind-
         which has failed to mandate the root   years, cannot be applied in this case.   spot of several high apex courts, in
         and branch judicial reforms which in-  Yet it’s a measure of the majestic   this surely rarest of rare cases.
         dependent India patiently awaits. An   indolence of the criminal justice sys-  Several Law Commissions have
         estimated 4,000 citizens of India’s   tem that although these unspeakable   recommended radical reform of the
         200 million Muslim minority commu-  atrocities were suffered by Bilkis Bano   clearly dysfunctional legal system
         nity were murdered, plundered and   and her kin in 2002, a special CBI   which has a backlog of 55 million
         violated over a period of three days,   court convicted the accused in 2008.   pending cases. But for mysterious rea-
         without  meaningful  intervention  by   After that, Bombay high court upheld   sons, these reforms have not been im-
         the police.                      the conviction in 2017 but not before   plemented. Meanwhile the seemingly
           In the final verdict which has re-  ordering the transfer of the convicts to   helpless justices of the Supreme Court
         incarcerated the 11 convicts who had   prison in Gujarat (“their state”) where   could set the ball rolling by mandat-
         been released after serving 14-year jail   they reportedly enjoyed long periods   ing modest procedural reforms such
         sentences — under law, life sentences   of parole. In 2021, a Gujarat Jail Ad-  as greater reliance on written submis-
         are normatively commuted after con-  visory Committee recommended re-  sions; limiting the time of loquacious
         victs have served this time — the full-  lease of the convicts on completion of   lawyers to address courts to 60 min-
         bench judgement delivered in 2019   14 years incarceration on grounds of   utes; permitting digital depositions;
         and the latest (January 8) two-judge   “good behaviour” while serving their   restricting the number of witnesses,
         bench review judgement, the apex   sentences. Accordingly on August 15,   and barring more than two adjourn-
         court has rightly held that the nature   2022 (Independence Day), these con-  ments. Curiously their lordships of
         of the crimes committed against Bilkis   victs were released from prison and   the apex court seem to have forgotten
         Bano were so heinous — apart from   greeted with garlands by ministers of   the most basic maxim of law: justice
         Bilkis, her mother and cousin were   Gujarat's ruling BJP government.  delayed is justice denied.

         22    EDUCATIONWORLD   FEBRUARY 2024
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