Page 12 - EW April 2023
P. 12

Education News

           DELHI                                                           state government has a complex
         No let up on education reform                                     relationship with the Union govern-

                                                                           ment which also has jurisdiction over
                                                                           Delhi. For instance, maintenance of
                                                                           law and order in Delhi is a Central
                                                                           government subject. Therefore,
                                                                           trounced in two consecutive state
                                                                           elections, the BJP leadership is mak-
                                                                           ing life difficult for the AAP state
                                                                           government on several fronts. In
                                                                           the confrontation between state and
                                                                           Centre, principal and teacher recruit-
                                                                           ments have been stalled and risen to
                                                                           24,000 in government schools. The
                                                                           response of AAP has been to recruit
                                                                           contract teachers whose number rose
                                                                           to 24,003 last year.
                                                                             However, the Government School
                                                                           Teachers’ Association (GSTA), Delhi,
                                                                           is not impressed. “I can tell you that
                                                                           no more than 125 out of the 1,047
         Manish Sisodia (right) & Atishi Marlena: smooth takeover          government schools offer STEM/
                                                                           science after class X. In other words,
              he resignation of manish    schools. Therefore, there isn’t any   government schools where the chil-
              Sisodia, deputy chief minister   likelihood of a let up in the AAP   dren are from poor families, don’t
         Tand education minister of the   government’s emphasis on K-12 edu-  provide the education the public
         Delhi state government, on February   cation. Ads on television highlight   wants,” says Ajay Veer Yadav,
         28 following his arrest by the Central   government schools with excellent   general secretary, GSTA.
         Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in   labs, libraries and neat classrooms   Nevertheless, there’s widespread
         the Delhi Excise Policy (2021-22)   with children in smart uniforms —   acknowledgement within educators
         liquor licensing ‘scam’, is unlikely to   unprecedented in Indian history.  and society that the Delhi educa-
         prove a set-back to the Delhi school   The AAP government accords   tion model has changed the political
         education model that has played a   high importance to consistently   narrative around education, and
         major role in transforming the Aam   upgrading its 1,047 state schools. In   ignited hope within public schools
         Aadmi Party (AAP) into a force to   the government’s budget presented   countrywide. According to UDISE+,
         reckon with in Indian politics. The   to the legislative assembly on March   an estimated 400,000 children from
         first political party in the history of   22, the allocation for education is   private — mainly budget private —
         post-independence India to make   Rs.16,575 crore (21 percent of the   schools have “reverse migrated” into
         education a major plank in its elec-  total budget of Rs.78,800 crore)   Delhi state government schools in
         tion campaign, AAP, founded by   with a marginal increase of Rs.200   the past two years. “My two children
         Arvind Kejriwal, a former bureau-  crore over the previous year. This   go to a government school and I can
         crat and RTI activist, and Sisodia in   percentage is the highest of any state   clearly see their enthusiasm, interest
         2013, is the only political formation   government countrywide, claim AAP   and change. My elder son just fin-
         to have trounced the high-riding BJP   spokespersons.             ished his class X board exam in the
         in the Delhi state legislative election   The highlight of this year’s educa-  science stream. I had never imagined
         of 2015 and 2020, and in the Punjab   tion budget is that new digital tablets   he could even complete class VIII,”
         state election of 2022.          will be provided to all teachers —   says Rampal, a daily wage migrant
            Sisodia is succeeded by Ati-  regular, guest and contractual, vice   worker settled in Delhi.
         shi Marlena — an alumna of St.   principals and principals. Moreover,   Atishi, who will with time emerge
         Stephen’s College, Delhi and Oxford   the government will provide at least   out of Sisodia’s shadow, will be the
         University, UK — his former advisor   20 new computers to every school in   person to watch as her educational
         from July 2015 to April 2018, with a   a phased manner. In 2023-24, these   background and sharp political acu-
         reputation for spearheading AAP’s   devices will be made available in 350   men, will add further momentum to
         education policy and upgrading   of the state’s 1,047 schools.    education reforms especially aimed
         the profile of Delhi’s government   Under the Constitution, the Delhi   at restoring trust in government

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