Page 6 - EW April 2023
P. 6



           EW INDIA HIGHER                                                                          12
                 EDUCATION                                                              EDUCATION NEWS
         RANKINGS 2023-24

             Although several                                                               Delhi: No let up on
                                                                                             education reform
              newspapers and
            magazines publish                                                              Maharashtra: Caste
                league tables                                                          shadow over IIT-Bombay
              ranking colleges                                                            New teacher recruit-
              and universities,                                                                ment initiative
             these are general                                                             Karnataka: Assess-
            news publications.                                                         ment & exams confusion
          Therefore the annual
          EWIHER are the most                                                             West Bengal: Chaos &
              reliable rankings                                                                   confusion
           available to parents                                                            Tamil Nadu: Cluster
            and school-leavers                                                                      debate

                                                    62                                              70

                                             INDIA’S BEST                                  TOP 100 NON-
                                            GOVERNMENT                                 AUTONOMOUS ASC
                                            AUTONOMOUS                                          COLLEGES

                                                COLLEGES                                  Although the total
         38                                The small minority                       autonomous Arts, Science
                                                                                       scores of several non-
                                           of 188 government
                                                                                      and Commerce colleges
                                               colleges who
                                            have qualified for
         INDIA’S TOP-RANKED PRIVATE       autonomous status                          exceed those of colleges
                                                                                       granted autonomy, for
         AUTONOMOUS ASC COLLEGES          have a special place                       mysterious reasons they
                                            of honour within
                                                                                      have not been awarded
                                          the national higher                            autonomous status
         An estimated 894 Arts,            education system
         Science and Commerce (ASC)
         undergraduate colleges have
         been conferred autonomous                                        IN THIS ISSUE
         status by the University Grants
         Commission. They have full
         freedom to introduce new                          Editorial           8  Private Autonomous   38
         courses and draw up their own
         syllabuses and curriculums                        Mailbox            10
                                                                                  Gov. Autonomous    62
         88                                                Education News     24  Non-autonomous     70
                                                           Education Notes
                                                                                  Engineering colleges   88
          INDIA’S TOP PRIVATE                              Education Briefs   26
          ENGINEERING COLLEGES                             Expert Comment     30  Teacher-2-Teacher   110

         With only 2 percent of the 1.2 million school-leavers who   Young Achievers   32  Books     111
         write IIT-JEE and IIT-Mains admitted into heavily subsidised
         government-owned IITs and NITs, we present league tables   Cove r Story   34  Postscript    114
         ranking the next best alternatives for the 98 percent who
         don’t make it into the IITs and NITs

         6    EDUCATIONWORLD   APRIL 2023
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