Page 66 - EW Jan 2024_Neat
P. 66

International News

         in extremely poor financial shape, particularly Pakistan and
         Sri Lanka. This leaves India carrying the burden,” he says.

         Chainsaw President

                IN THE WAKE OF HIS SHOCK ELECTION victory
                in December, a video of new Argentinian president
                Javier Milei tearing the names of government de-
         partments off a whiteboard went viral on TikTok.
           It shows the right-winger — sporting a distinctive pair of
         huge sideburns — shouting “afuera” (get out) to ten of the
         country’s 18 ministries. The tally included the Ministry of
         Science, Technology and Innovation — which, he tells the
         camera, belongs in the private sector — plus the Ministry of   President Javier Milei: education and research slashing targets
         Education “and indoctrination”, quips Milei.
           The rapid rise of the chaotic, chainsaw-wielding libertar-  ernment’s control of universities’ finances makes them vul-
         ian politician in a country racked by economic uncertainty   nerable. He has proposed a plan for schools that involves
         has stunned Argentina’s research community, with many   taking public money and giving it to families as “educational
         fearing President Milei’s plans to dramatically slash public   vouchers” that they can decide how to spend, and a similar
         spending will decimate its universities and scientific infra-  system might be considered for the country’s currently free
         structure. On the campaign trail, Milei promised not only   public universities.
         to close the science ministry, but also to shut or privatise   Gerardo Burton, an emeritus professor of chemistry
         the  National  Scientific  and  Technical  Research  Council   at the University of Buenos Aires, says it is still uncertain
         (Conicet), one of Latin America’s most important science   whether Milei will go ahead with some of his more radi-
         funders, and cut state funding for research and education   cal policies because his proposals had been “changing and
         to bare bones.                                   moderating as his possibility of winning the election in-
           “What he is proposing is very close to a dismantlement   creased”. He will formally take up the role on December 10.
         of the whole system, and it will be very hard to recover if
         that happens,” says Diego Golombek, a biology professor    UNITED KINGDOM
         at the National University of Quilmes and a researcher at   Age retirement suit
         Conicet, who is “extremely worried” about the new regime.
         “We have a good science system: it needs more budget, it   CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY IS FACING new le-
         needs to go more federal and help regional economies, but   gal and internal challenges to its policy of forcing
         it is there and it has worked well for many decades, so any   academics to retire at the age of 67. Around 120
         kind of strong measures against it will be suicidal and it will   current and former professors at the institution have signed
         be very difficult to build it again,” adds Golombek.  a letter to the recently installed vice chancellor, Deborah
           Alberto Kornblihtt, a molecular biologist at the Univer-  Prentice, urging her to call a vote on abolishing the Em-
         sity of Buenos Aires, likens Milei’s agenda to the right-wing   ployer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) because of the risk
         economic and political programme of the military dictator-  of “brain drain”.
         ships that ruled the country between 1976-1983, but this   The university has already instigated a wide-ranging
         time with “massive popular support” and a democratic   review of the policy — which has been used since 2012 to
         mandate, something that is “not good news” for science,   ensure older professors are moved off the payroll and to
         universities, public health and education. “If he keeps his   open up opportunities for younger academics — after Ox-
         promises, not only will the budget cuts for research be huge,   ford University, the only other English institution to enforce
         but also institutions like Conicet risk being dismantled, with   retirement, lost a legal case against four of its former staff
         the obvious consequence of brain drain,” he warns.  members.
           The directors of Conicet’s 16 science and technology re-  Cambridge now also faces being sued over the EJRA
         search centres — which fund about 12,000 researchers —   itself for the first time after Ross Anderson, a computer
         spoke out against plans to close the organisation before the   science professor who was forced to retire in September,
         election, warning in a joint statement: “We still have many   signalled his intention to launch a claim for unfair dismissal
         challenges, many issues to improve, but it is not by cancel-  and discrimination.
         ling the state that a better country will be achieved.”  Although he continues to work for the university once
           President Milei has been less clear about his plans for   a week, Prof Anderson, who will be represented by the law
         the wider higher education system, but the national gov-  firm Doyle Clayton, says he feels he has been “cut off in

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