Page 84 - EW January 2025
P. 84


         Petty-minded density                             “pleasant surprise” that three Indian schools have been
                                                          adjudged among the best schools worldwide by T4, which
               NE OF THE GREATEST DRAWBACKS OF THE        he describes as a “low-profile but respected international
               Indian economy is the vast gulf that separates In-  institution”. T4 is a London-based not-for-profit promot-
         Odian academia and India Inc. Whiling away hours   ed by Vikas Pota, whose online profile describes him as
         in ivory towers, the country’s academics, most of them   a London-based advocate, entrepreneur and community
         brainwashed by Nehruvian socialist propaganda that   builder. Therefore although the assessment methodology
         all successful businessmen are crooks and cheats, have   employed by T4 to rate and rank the world’s best schools
         little respect for manufacturers of goods and providers of   for community collaboration, environmental action, over-
         services. Most university dons teach obsolete, mediocre   coming adversity and supporting healthy lives is unclear,
         curriculums and churn out 9 million graduates every   T4 awards merit acknowledgement and respect.
         year totally unsuitable for industry. On the other side of   Yet your editor is befuddled that in his 1,000 word
         the equation, most Indian corporates are insular reverse   essay Aiyar didn’t at all mention the annual Education-
         engineering enterprises that haven’t been able to produce   World India School Rankings (EWISR) — the world’s
         a global game-changing product or service for 75 years —   largest and most comprehensive schools rating and rank-
         and have little time for academics or academia.   ings initiative which rates India’s top 4,000 schools in
           In light of this national divide, one of the prime   438 cities and towns divided into three main and 14 sub-
         objectives of EducationWorld since it was launched 25   categories on 14 parameters of school education excel-
         years ago has been to build bridges between the academy   lence. There is a rich lode of evidence available in the EW
         and India Inc. Without success. Because India Inc and   league tables of high performing schools across India. It
         academia are led by petty-minded individuals unwilling   can’t be that Aiyar is unaware of your editor — as found-
         to cooperate in the broader national interest. Last month   ing-editor of Business India and Businessworld — and a
         on the eve of the 25th Anniversary issue of this upstream   former dining companion. Neither can he be unaware of
         swimming publication, your supplicant editor wrote to   EW often complimented to him. Now in the winter of his
         Chandrajit Bannerjee, Director-General of CII (Confeder-  life and commenting on India matters from the US, Aiyar
         ation of Indian Industry), requesting the tiny favour of his    has either lost the plot or been afflicted by the green-eyed
         issuing a circular to CII member companies — comprising   monster. Nevertheless one wishes him well.
         most of the country’s high market value companies —
         advising them to take a subscription (Rs.2,500 per year)
         to EducationWorld, India’s #1 education magazine, in the  Uber luxury handbook
         cause bridging the academy-industry divide.
           Banerjee’s advice: Purchase the members directory of   N AN ERA OF EXTREME INCOME AND WEALTH
         CII and write individually to each company. According   disparities between India’s richest 10 percent who
         to this myopic worthy’s Wikipedia profile, as Director-  Iown 55-60 percent of national wealth and the coun-
         General of India’s most powerful industry representative   try’s poorest 90 percent with embarassing per capita
         organization since 2008, his duty is inter alia to “lead and   income, the national interest demands promoting the
         contribute to many policy level dialogues and discussions   savings habit rather than conspicuous consumption. It’s
         to enhance the competitiveness of India Inc and towards   a well-established canon of economics that savings equal
         the development of India”. With India Inc lumbered with   investment.
         leaders of such petty-minded density, it’s unsurprising   The obligation to promote the saving mantra and dis-
         that while CII member companies are whales by Indian   courage consumption is greater for media organizations
         standards, they are minnows in international waters.   reportedly managed by intellectuals aware of national
                                                          development priorities. Especially widely circulated
                                                          mainstream newspapers and periodicals. Therefore it is
         Green-eyed omission?                             dismaying that India Today, the flagship print publica-
                                                          tion of the Delhi-based Living Media India Ltd (LMIL),
                 HEN MEDIA PUNDITS AND MAINSTREAM         one of the country’s most successful and profitable
                 journalists who tend to focus more on petty   companies which also owns popular television channels
         Wpolitics rather than root development issues    (Aaj Tak, India Today Television), also publishes Spice, a
         pay attention to education matters, your editor who   free-of-charge super glossy magazine distributed together
         promoted EducationWorld 25 years ago with the mission   with India Today. Spice lavishly promotes uber luxury
         to make “education the #1 item on the national agenda”,   products for the super-rich to indulge in. For instance the
         is delighted. But when a respected media pundit through   ‘pick of the month object of desire’ of Spice November is a
         an act of omission and/or calculated neglect, belittles   dazzling Zambian emerald necklace priced at Rs. 7.13 lakh
         this publication’s sustained effort which has succeeded in   (approx.) and an eye shadow cream priced at Rs.22,000.
         moving the needle of public policy on critical issues such   Therefore one wonders about the corporate social
         as early childhood and skills education, as also private   responsibility of LMIL (annual sales revenue: Rs.1,000
         higher education, one is obliged to react.       crore) in eulogizing products and services priced at
            In his weekly Swaminomics column in the Times   several multiples of the annual per capita income of India
         of India (December 8), Swaminathan Anklesaria, who   ($2,500) and displaying them in all their glory. At risk
         writes an engaging 800-1,000 words weekly essay for the   of sounding self-righteous, there’s an element of feasting
         “world’s largest-selling English language daily”, focused   before the starving and/or rubbing the noses of the poor
         on India’s school education system. Aiyar expressed   in the dirt in Spice.

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