Page 30 - EW November 2024
P. 30

Young Achievers

                                                 tional career. Since then,   double in May at the All India Sub-
                                                 other shooting milestones   Junior Ranking Badminton Tourna-
                                                 include: a silver at the ISSF   ment in Mapusa, Goa.
                                                 World Cup 2018 in Chang-    The only child of software engi-
                                                 won, South Korea; silver at   neers Rabinarayan and Sailabala
                                                 the ISSF World Cup 2022   Patri, Tanvi attributes her success
                                                 in Baku which enabled his   to sustained family support and
                                                 selection for the World   high-quality coaching. “Encouraged
                                                 Championships where he    by my parents, my initial training in
                                                 was a member of the bronze   Chinese-style badminton followed
                                                 medal winning team. At the   by competing against veteran play-
                                                 Hangzhou Asian Games      ers at PPBA has given me valuable
                                                 2023, he was a member     experience,” says Tanvi, a class VIII
                                                 of the gold medal winning   student of ODM Global School,
                                                 team, and after rigorous   Bhubaneswar.
                                                 trials in Delhi and Bho-    Introduced to the game in Taicang
                                                 pal, Swapnil was officially   (China) — where her parents worked
              SWAPNIL KUSALE              inducted into the Indian Olympic   at the time — at age five (2016), she
                                                                           started playing in a beginners’ camp
                                          shooting team in May (2024).
                                            “Although my debut at the Paris   under coach Jiang Yong Yi. In quick
              ack in Pune from the Paris   Olympics was somewhat intimidat-  succession she won nine singles titles
              Olympics 2024 (July 26-Au-  ing, it was a good learning experi-  (U-8, U-9 U-10 and U-11) in tourna-
         Bgust 11), Swapnil Kusale,       ence because I got the opportunity to   ments across China from 2017-2020.
         bronze medalist in the men’s 50   compete with world-class shooters.   In 2020 during the Covid-19 pan-
         metre rifle three-position event, was   Now I am prepared to give a better   demic, she was spotted in a talent
         given a red carpet hero’s welcome.   account of myself in the Los Ange-  hunt and invited to join the PPBA
           The 29-year-old gives credit for   les Olympics 2028,” says Swapnil,   promoted by the eponymous former
         his exemplary achievement to sup-  who was recently promoted to the   India and All England champion
         portive parents — Suresh Kusale,   position of Officer on Special Duty,   Prakash Padukone. Since then, she
         a Zilla Parishad school teacher,   Sports Wing, Central Railways,   has trained under its director and
         and Anita, a village sarpanch. They   Mumbai.                     chief coach Vimal Kumar.
         signed him up for the Maharashtra   Aim high, Bro!                  “Tanvi reminds me of P.V. Sindhu
         government’s Krida Prabodhini           Nasrin Modak Siddiqui (Mumbai)  in her younger days. The ability to
         sports programme when he was 14.                                  win matches at a young age is a sign
         Following three years of tutelage                                 of high potential. She will go a long
         under former national shooting        TANVI PATRI                 way given her cool temperament,”
         champions Nana Deshmukh and                                       says Vimal Kumar.
         Vishwajeet Shinde, he was selected                                  Tanvi is currently preparing
         for the national junior shooting      ven as the star of former bad-  intensively for the 2025 Asia U-17
         squad.                                minton world champion P.V.   Badminton Junior Championships,
           In 2014, Swapnil won his first  ESindhu is dimming, another     and the forthcoming Nationals U-17,
         gold medal at the National Shoot-  star is rising in Bengaluru’s world-  U-19 championships. “All this is
         ing Championship which motivated   class Prakash Padukone Badminton   preparation for the 2028 Los Ange-
         him to pursue this sharp shooters   Academy (PPBA). Early teen Tanvi   les Olympics,” she says with quiet
         sport more seriously. Subsequently,   Patri is earning encomiums in the in-  determination.
         consistent performance in domestic   ternational and national badminton    God speed!
         tournaments earned him a place   circuits. In late August, 13-year-old   Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)
         in the national shooting team. In   Tanvi recorded a stunning victory
         2015, he joined Indian Railways   over Vietnam #2 Hi Thu Huyen
         serving as a traveling ticket exam-  Nguyen in a 34-minute final to
         iner (TTE). Despite being obliged to   clinch the girls’ singles U-15 title
         serve long hours, he balanced work   of the Badminton Asia U-17 and
         with a rigorous training schedule.   U-15 Junior Championships
         Most important, the prize money he   staged in Chengdu (China).
         earned enabled him to purchase his   Winning championship titles
         first rifle for Rs.3 lakh. “The delays   and media headlines is becom-
         in acquiring my first gun slowed my   ing a habit for this young teen.
         progress,” recalls Swapnil.      In June, Tanvi bagged a double
           In 2015, Swapnil won gold in the   crown — U-15 and U-17 singles
         50m rifle prone 3 event in the ju-  titles — in the Yonex-Sunrise All
         nior category of the Asian Shooting   India Sub-Junior Ranking Bad-
         Championships in Kuwait, mark-   minton Tournament staged in
         ing the beginning of his interna-  Hyderabad, and earlier another

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