Page 64 - EW November 2024
P. 64
Shrewsbury International headmaster looking a lake, will house a 160,000
sq.ft academic block, a 40,000 sq.ft
performing arts school, a language
learning centre offering instruction
in six languages and offer specialist
laboratories for design and technol-
ogy, science, and astronomy. Apart
from traditional field games and ath-
letics, sports education options will
include indoor rowing, scuba diving,
and fencing.
Direct talk. “Our experience of tried
and tested boarding school educa-
tion and pastoral care will enable us
to integrate academics, co-curricular
and sports activities to provide
excellent holistic education to our
children. SISI’s distinctive feature
will be our whole-person educational
model, Floreat, that ensures deep
learning, critical thinking, experien-
Tomalin (left) with founder Abhishek Gupta (right): whole person education promise tial learning, sports, communication,
creativity, spirituality, and self-
OMINIC TOMALIN is the aged 11-18 years (class VI-XII). It mastery. SISI has proudly adopted
founding headmaster of will follow the English National Cur- the Shrewsbury motto, intus si recte
DShrewsbury International riculum, which will prepare pupils ne labora, which translates to “If
School India (SISI), assuming shape for Cambridge International’s class X all is right within, trouble not”. This
and form on a sprawling 150-acre and XII IGCSE examinations. philosophy will be the foundation
campus in Bhopal, the admin capital History. A natural sciences graduate for our identity as an Indian school
of Madhya Pradesh (pop.80 million). of Durham University and the highly offering the best British curriculum,”
SISI is the outcome of an am- regarded Royal Military Academy, says Tomalin.
bitious collaboration agreement Sandhurst and Royal School of Mili- Future plans. With SISI’s capital-
between two education heavyweights tary Engineering, Tomalin served in intensive campus almost ready, the
— the Bhopal-based Jagran Social the Corps of Royal Engineers (1991- management has begun inviting
Welfare Society (estb.1997) which 97) and rose to the rank of Captain. parents to experience its modern,
has promoted four DPS schools, four This was followed by a successful purpose-built campus, first-hand.
preschools and MP’s top-ranked pri- career as a senior business executive “We are committed to developing
vate Jagran Lakecity University, and in logistics, telecommunications, SISI into a premier residential school
Shrewsbury School (estb.1552), one and defence companies in the UK. of Asia. Our promise is to provide
of Britain’s oldest and most vener- In 2005, he switched streams and an optimal learning environment
ated public (i.e, private, exclusive) signed up as housemaster at Mount that will make students future-ready
schools. Shrewsbury alumni include Kelly School, Cambridge and later while keeping them grounded in
naturalist Charles Darwin, poet Sir as head of economics and business their cultural values,” says Tomalin.
Philip Sidney, and author-broadcast- studies at Culford School, Suffolk. In Wind in your sails!
er Sir Michael Palin. When it admits 2016, he was appointed vice prin- Aditi Maheshwari (Bhopal)
its first batch of 80 class VI-XI cipal of CATS Cambridge School,
students next June, SISI will become Cambridge where after three years NTA 2024 awardees
the third vintage British school after of service, he rose to the position of
Harrow School (estb.1572) and Wel- principal.
lington College (1859) to become According to Tomalin, the state- overnment teachers from
operational on Indian terra firma. of-the-art 150-acre SISI campus rural Punjab — PANKAJ
Newspeg. In August, SISI invited ad- will “blend India’s cultural heritage GKUMAR GOYAL and RA-
missions for the academic year 2025- with the global standards that define JINDER SINGH — are recipients of the
26. Like its British parent, SISI is a Shrewsbury, UK”. The school’s scenic National Teachers Awards 2024 of
co-ed boarding school for children campus set in suburban Bhopal over- the Union education ministry.