Page 93 - EW November 2024
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processes at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
           The federal council recently received proposals from an
         expert group, chaired by Serge Gaillard, aimed at reducing
         federal spending by up to CHF5 billion. Among the mea-
         sures put forward in the Gaillard report were cuts of up to
         10 percent from the SNSF’s budget from 2027. These cuts,
         Dr. Sala says, “would not only wipe out the small increase
         that has just been decided but would also drastically reduce
         the SNSF’s financial resources compared (with) the status
         quo”. He adds: “Although no final decision has yet been
         taken, this scenario threatens to seriously weaken Swiss

         Urban design boom

                 ORE THAN HALF OF THE POPULATION OF       Jakarta citizens: intractable problems
                 Asia and the Pacific region live in cities and about
         Ma billion more people are expected to join them   and towns that are needed,” says Stephen Cairns, professor
         by the middle of the century. Of the world’s 33 “megacities”   of urban design at Monash University Indonesia. “Demand
         — defined as hosting more than 10 million citizens — 17 can   for urban designers is growing in Indonesia, with almost all
         be found here.                                   the major developers employing them.”
           With such rapid and intensive urbanisation come chal-  While some institutions have been training students
         lenges. Take Jakarta, for example, which is densely popu-  to plan and manage cities for decades — the University of
         lated, highly polluted and has begun to sink into the ocean   Hong Kong claims to be the first in Asia to have offered
         — problems so seemingly intractable that, instead of at-  a postgraduate programme in urban design, launching a
         tempting to fix them, Indonesia has decided to relocate the   Master’s degree in 1988 — many universities in the region
         country’s capital to a different island entirely. Although   are introducing new programmes to meet the demand for
         other leaders in the region are yet to take such drastic ac-  what were once seen as relatively niche skills.
         tion, many of Asia’s megacities face similar problems as   “As urban challenges become more prominent, educa-
         the effects of climate change and population growth mount.  tional institutions are expanding their offerings and stu-
           For students and academics, this presents an opportu-  dents are increasingly aware of the career opportunities in
         nity — knowing how to better design, plan and manage cit-  urban management,” says Yau Yung, professor of urban
         ies are skills that are both in demand and offer them the   studies at Hong Kong’s Lingnan University.
         chance to meaningfully improve the lives of those around   Lingnan began offering a Ph D course in urban studies
         them. Similarly, more research into urbanisation — once   in September 2023, building on a cities and governance
         concentrated in Europe and America — is urgently needed   Master’s that was launched in 2020. According to Prof. Yau,
         to help Asia’s cities develop sustainably and face the envi-  although fewer than 20 students originally enrolled in the
         ronmental challenges ahead.                      Master’s, this has now increased to around 70.
           “It is widely acknowledged that Asia is the fastest-ur-  A  distinctly  Asian  approach  to  these  subjects  is  also
         banising region in the world, with the speed and scale of   emerging. While much of urban planning and design has
         change causing massive disruption to pre-existing ways of   traditionally been rooted in North American and European
         living, working, governing and more,” says Orlando Woods,   scholarship, there is a growing acceptance that these An-
         director of the recently opened Urban Institute at Singapore   glocentric approaches might not be fit for the future and
         Management University (SMU).                     academics in the region are keen to make space for some-
           “Academic research that focuses explicitly on Asian cities   thing new.
         is needed to understand, help manage and ideally help miti-  “One of the primary issues we tackle is the radically dif-
         gate the deleterious effects of these changes,” adds Woods.   ferent kind of urbanisation pressure that is shaping the
           A 2020 study of built environment professionals in Com-  settlement  patterns  of  southeast,  east  and  south  Asia,”
         monwealth countries found a “critical lack of capacity” in   says Monash’s Prof. Cairns. “This basic fact means that we
         many of the countries that are rapidly urbanising, includ-  have to think about and practise urban design in quite dif-
         ing India and Pakistan, which are projected to experience   ferent ways. It’s an exceptionally challenging and exciting
         the world’s largest increases in their urban populations by   context.”
         2050, alongside Nigeria.
           “There is not nearly enough expertise to deliver the cities   (Excerpted and adapted from Times Higher Education)

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