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         Vintage Legacy International Residential Schools league table

            Rank                              Teacher welfare &   development (100)  Competence of faculty (200)  Academic reputation (100)  Co-curricular education &   internationalism (100)  Sports education (100)  Curriculum & pedagogy   (hybrid learning readiness) (100)  Individual attention to   students (100)  Leadership / management   Safety and hygience (100)  Infrastructure provision   Mental & emotional well-  being services (100)
          2020  2021  2022  2023                                          quality (100)  (100)

         1   1   1   1   Woodstock School,
                      Mussoorie              85  192  91  95  92  90  92  94  88  89  94  90  76  65  75  1408
         3   3   2   2   Kodaikanal International,
                      School                 83  191  86  96  94  86  92  88  86  90  95  84  74  63  76  1384
         5   5   3   3   Hebron School, Ooty   81   185  82   84   87   83   90   84   84   84   91   89   72  59   75   1330

             We’re thrilled to be ranked                                        global citizens, and critical
             India’s #1 vintage legacy                                          thinkers who re-examine
         “international residential                                             taken-for-granted assumptions
         school by EducationWorld. The                                          and question current struc-
         schools in this category are in-                                       tures of privilege. Upon gradu-
         credibly stable and through their                                      ation they enroll in top-ranked
         blend of heritage and innovation                                       universities around the world
         have delivered sustained excel-                                        and enter Woodstock’s lifelong,
         lence in education. We are espe-                                       worldwide alumni network.
         cially pleased that the school has                                     This year we have students
         attained highest scores under                                          from 36 foreign countries who
         the parameters of faculty com-                                         have come to experience our
         petence, academic reputation,                                          balanced approach in develop-
         mental and emotional well-being services and quality   ing lifelong learners in face-to-face, outdoor, and digital
         of alumni. A Woodstock education enables students to   spaces.” — Dr. Craig Cook, principal, Woodstock
         become successful learners, effective leaders, responsible   School (estb.1854, 492 students and 80 teachers)

         International Residential Schools league table

            Rank                                 Teacher welfare &   development (100)  Competence of faculty (200)  Academic reputation (100)  Co-curricular education &   internationalism (100)  Sports education (100)  Curriculum & pedagogy   (hybrid learning readiness) (100)  Individual attention to   students (100)  Leadership / management   Safety and hygiene (100)  Infrastructure provision   Mental & emotional well-  being services (10
          2020  2021  2022  2023                                              quality (100)  (100)

         2   2   1   1   Good Shepherd International School,
                      Ooty                       87  184  86  88  90  87  93  85  91  91  93  87  67  78  1307
         4   3   2   2   Mussoorie International School   89  188  88  89  88  85  91  87  85  89  82  86  69  79  1295
         4   4   3   3   UWC Mahindra College, Pune   86  186  95  91  82  87  91  89  90  90  87  85  62  72  1293
         8   8   6   4   MIT Pune’s Vishwashanti Gurukul    82  177*  78**  85   83   84   89   86   89   88   81   82  68   78   1249
         NR  NR   4   5   Corvuss American Academy,
                      Karjat (Maharashtra)       81  175  77  84  97  83  91  86  87  91  80  81  62  73  1248
         7   7   5   6   SCAD World School, Coimbatore   69  152  73  76  77  78  81  80  83  84  72  82  59  74  1140
         NR  NR   7   7   The Plenum School, Bagthan,
                      Nahan (HP)                 68  165  74  78  77  75  77  78  82  79  77  80  56  72  1138

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