Page 41 - EW Oct 2023_new
P. 41

All parameters are given equal   Accreditation (CENTA, estb.2014   Thinking Test. In its first year, this
         weightage score of 100 except    — India’s largest teachers online   test has attracted mild response
         ‘Competence of faculty’ which was   platform which provides testing,   with 15 percent of schools deputing
         given a maximum score of 200.    certification, training and career   students to write it.
         For Legacy schools, an additional   development programmes for K-12   Last month (September) in Part
         parameter — Quality of alumni —   teachers). In EWISR 2023-24, 25   I of EWISR 2023-24, we rated and
         was used,” explains Premchand    percent of schools deputed teachers   ranked over 3,000 Day schools
         Palety, an alum of the Panjab    to take the test and improved their   (co-ed day, boys, girls and day-cum-
         Engineering College and Fore School   scores under this critically important   boarding) as well as Vintage/ Legacy
         of Management, Delhi, who acquired   parameter.                   Day schools within these sub-
         valuable professional experience   In addition, this year to add   categories. In this EWISR 2023-24
         with ORG, India’s pioneer retail   another element of objectivity under   Part II issue we present  Boarding
         market research company for over a   the parameter of academic reputa-  (co-ed, boys and girls), International
         decade prior to promoting      C fore   tion, we have introduced the Stu-  (day, day-cum-boarding and
         in the millennium year.          dents Critical Thinking Test in   wholly  residential) and vintage/
           Moreover, to add an element    partnership with LogIQids, an ed-  legacy schools. Also included are
         of objectivity to perceptual scores   tech company promoted in 2016 by   top Central and state government
         awarded by sample respondents    IIT/IIM alumni to develop students’   schools, special needs, philanthropy
         under the important parameter of   critical thinking, problem-solving,   and Super 30 budget private schools
         teacher competence, since 2021 all   and creativity through gamified   league tables.
         ranked schools have been invited   worksheets comprising age-appro-  Like I wagered last month, if you
         to nominate six teachers to take a   priate puzzles and brain teasers. In   present evidence of more exhaus-
         30 minutes (20 questions) English,   early June, all EWISR schools were   tive ratings and ranking of primary-
         maths and science online test,   invited to nominate students (10   secondary schools in any country
         administered by the Bengaluru-   each from classes VI-VIII) to write a   worldwide, you will be gifted a purse
         based Centre for Teacher         45-minute online Students Critical   of Rs.50,000.

                                          EWISR 2023-24 COUNTRYWIDE SURVEY

                                                                                 Metro cities

                                                                                 Tier l, ll, lll & lV cities
                                                                                 (200 cities)

                                                                          OCTOBER 2023    EDUCATIONWORLD   41
   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46