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                                                                           attention. And within this enabling
                                                                           environment our children excel
                                                                           academically with the CBSE topper
                                                                           in Odisha this year being a SIRS
                                                                           student,” says Amitabh Agnihotri,
                                                                           an English postgrad of Lucknow
                                                                           University, who began his teaching
                                                                           career in La Martiniere, Lucknow
                                                                           (1999-2011), served as the founding-
                                                                           principal of Sunbeam SunCity, Vara-
                                                                           nasi (2011-13) followed by a stint in
                                                                           the top-ranked Assam Valley School,
                                                                           Balipara (2014-18) prior to his ap-
                                                                           pointment as founding-principal of
                                                                           SIRS in 2018.
                                                                             Adds Dr. Silpi Sahoo, a history
                                                                           and women’s studies alumna of Ut-
                                                                           kal University and the Bhubaneswar-
                                                                           based Chairperson of the Sai Group
         SIRS’ Agnihotri (left) with Chairperson Dr. Silpi Sahoo: 8x3 winning legacy  of schools: “The entry of SIRS into
                                                                           the national Top 10 is the outcome
         competence, co-curricular activities,   leadership, infrastructure, safety &   of all of us carrying forward the 8x3
         sports and mental and emotional   hygiene and pastoral care.      legacy of Dr. Bijaya Sahoo. Briefly,
         well-being services are confirmation   “We are overwhelmed to learn   this pedagogy requires the school’s
         that in PPS, children are provided   about our steady progress in the   management to ensure that chil-
         well-balanced and joyful education.   EWISR rankings and SIRS’ induction   dren devote eight hours every day
         Under the parameter of sports edu-  into India’s Top 10 co-ed boarding   to academic learning, eight hours to
         cation we deserve a higher score be-  schools table. Our brief from Dr.   co-curricular and sports activities
         cause we offer facilities for all sports,   Bijaya Sahoo right from the start   and get eight hours of sleep and rest
         equestrian included. All children are   was to ensure that SIRS became a   in a 24-hour day. We have ensured
         obliged to focus on one team and one   ‘happiness school’ for our children.   this legacy is a watchword in SIRS.
         individual sport,” says Sharma.   Therefore he spared no expense to   The outcome is our high scores on
           Elation is also the dominant   provide a vibrant environment and   all parameters including academic
         sentiment in Cuttack, Odisha in the   best infrastructure — seven subject   reputation and mental and emo-
         relatively newly-promoted state-of-  labs, two dozen co-curricular activi-  tional well-being services,” says Dr.
         the-art SAI International Resi-  ties and 20 sports and games on our   Silpi Sahoo.
         dential School (SIRS) established   60 acre campus. I am gratified by the   Beyond the Top 10, several
         with great effort and expense by for-  high scores awarded to us under the   schools have risen in the esteem of
         mer accountant turned edupreneur,   parameters of mental and emotional   the informed public. Among them:
         the late Bijaya Sahoo (1963-2021)   well-being services and pastoral care.   The Sagar School, Alwar (Rajast-
         in 2018. This sentiment is especially   With a teacher-pupil ratio of 1:9,   han) from #17 in 2020-21 to #14 last
         joyous because simultaneously SAI   we provide every student individual   year and #11 in 2023-24; Taurian
         International School, Bhubaneswar,                                World School, Ranchi to #13
         promoted by Sahoo in 2008 has                                     (15); Riverdale International,
         been voted the #1 co-ed day-cum-  “The entry of SIRS into the     Pune to #16 (19) and St. Michael’s
         boarding school nationwide in    national Top 10 is due to        Siliguri to #25 (32), thus ending the
         EWISR 2023-24. At the same time   the 8x3 legacy of Dr. Bijaya    long reign of the Himali Board-
         SIRS, ranked India #12 in the co-ed                               ing School, Kurseong #28 (25)
         boarding schools league table of   Sahoo — eight hours daily for   as West Bengal’s premier co-ed
         2022-23, has been promoted to the   academic learning, eight for   boarding school. Apart from this
         Top 10 table this year, and as such,                              rearrangement of rankings in the
         is also Odisha’s #1 co-ed boarding   co-curricular and sports and   67-strong list of India’s sufficiently
         school with high scores under the   eight hours for sleep and rest   well-known co-ed boarding schools,
         parameters of academic reputation,   in a 24-hour day”            other schools have experienced mi-
         individual attention to students,                                 nor ranking changes.

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